The Demon Lord and his Hero (BL)

Chapter 20 - Anti Mage

"So," Salem tilted his head to the side and waited for Syryn to drop his illusion. Would he see an old man? A cross-dressing woman? A disfigured face? Or a non-human? The possibilities running through his mind were endless.

Syryn plugged off the power supply to his illusion spell and waited a few seconds for reality to merge. When his real self was revealed in all its glory, his companion\'s unwavering gaze was fixed on Syryn.

Salem stared at Syryn and made a small sigh of appreciation. "I understand why you wear an illusion. Such a tempting face." Salem\'s hand wandered over and Syryn allowed the half-elf to press his fingertips gently beneath Syryn\'s chin, lifting his face to admire it better.

"This face..." Salem whispered with a breathy exhalation of air. "I should have never asked to see."

Syryn had seen himself so many times that his looks meant nothing more to him than an asset he could sometimes use. But he was starting to feel like he had pandered out his face today. Embarrassed, he powered back the illusion.

"It\'s time I left, Salem. Thank you for the ribbon." He turned to leave but a cool hand caught his wrist in a firm grip.

"Wait, let me give you something." Salem then took off his necklace and placed it in Syryn\'s palm. It had a tiny bird pendant that was carved from a light blue gem. "This is a sea orb. You can cast illusion and tie it to the magic in the gem so that the spell cannot be undone by just anybody."

Salem was underselling it. Syryn knew exactly how precious a sea orb was. This was a magnificent gift and it would aid Syryn in ways that Salem was not expecting it to. Syryn wore the necklace and tucked it inside his clothing, "Thank you Salem."

Every good turn deserved another but Syryn had nothing to give at the moment. It felt wrong to walk away with just words of gratitude.

"Would you like a kiss on the cheek?" Syryn asked quite seriously because he had been told by his admirers that a kiss from such a beauty was more precious than any amount of gold in this world. It was a commodity that he never gave out. Kisses weren\'t currency, Syryn knew that, but it had to count for something if they wouldn\'t stop going on and on about it right?

Salem\'s eyes went wide. Was Syryn messing with him? His earnest expression seemed to indicate otherwise. A kiss on the cheek from Syryn, "I guess that\'ll do." Salem lowered his head and received a peck on the cheek from the boy.

How cute, he thought.

Syryn left the Red fox with a smile on his face. He had come away with a ribbon and a sea orb. He hadn\'t expected to run into Rowan of all people on the street.

"We meet again, Siren." Vincent greeted him first.

"Rowan, Vincent." Syryn warily greeted them. This was too coincidental for it to be luck.

"Syryn," Rowan began but a shrill scream interrupted their conversation.

The sound of destruction followed and then a giant flaming shadow hound suddenly broke through the walls of the building next to them. In no time, all hell broke loose! people were screaming, shoving each other and running away from the scene.

"Vincent check the building!" Rowan instructed his friend then sprinted off after the hound that was wreaking havoc in the streets. It had to be a summoning that had gone wrong, Syryn thought and he began running after Rowan.

It was easy enough to just follow the screaming and broken stalls. It led Syryn straight to Rowan and the shadow hound that was already subdued. Rowan pulled his blade out from the belly of the hound and it erupted into flames. That could be me, Syryn thought. That blade of Rowan\'s could turn him into ash too. But when he recalled how merciful Rowan had been to him, Syryn put aside his fears.

From across the street, Rowan\'s eyes met Syryn\'s. "Are you afraid?" Seeing Rowan like this with the moonlight illuminating his perfect form was like beholding a sculpture.

Syryn shook his head.

"Go home Syryn. I\'ll find you another time." Rowan was worried about Syryn\'s safety and it showed in the way he protectively shepherded Syryn away to a safer part of the area.

"You want my potions, don\'t you?" Syryn stood and looked up at Rowan. "I\'ll be at King Hill."

Any reply Rowan gave was muffled by the sound of a loud explosion. It came from behind them where the hound had originally come from.

Rowan sprang like a bolt of thunder. In the blink of an eye, he shot past Syryn, a blur of darkness that left the mage breathless. Rowan had released his anti mage field the moment he left Syryn behind but an echo of it still bubbled outwards wrapping the mage in a null void that depressed all of his powers. It felt amazing and familiar all at once! A rush of nostalgia swept through Syryn, kicking his heart into an electric rhythm. He walked slowly, savouring the feel of Rowan\'s suppression field around him.

When the situation had settled down, Syryn found out that Vincent had escaped the explosion by the skin of his teeth. Rowan\'s cloak was draped over an old woman who held a baby to her chest. The anti mage was hunched over calming the woman with his charming smile and kind words, while Vincent tended to his wounds. Syryn walked over to the wounded man so he could examine his burns.

"Eh, it\'s nothing." Vincent shrugged when Syryn lifted his arm and frowned at the charred skin on his arm.

"It isn\'t nothing." Syryn flipped open his satchel and removed a vial of green liquid. He generously poured it all over Vincent\'s burns and it elicited a moan of relief from the anti mage. "What is that amazing stuff?"

"Something special I cooked up for someone," Syryn informed him while covering the other burnt areas. "How did this happen?"

"A fire revenant. Some crackhead mage thought it was a good idea to raise a revenant as his bodyguard. Turns out he wasn\'t strong enough to control both hound and revenant." Vincent scowled furiously as he narrated his troubles.

"I found his corpse being devoured by the revenant. Just had enough time to bail before it exploded from the fail-safe that the mage had cast inside the summoning circle. Damn these unlicensed mages! Always starting a fire or accidentally releasing evil spirits and ghouls. What is the guild doing letting them run around unfettered?!" His spiel was cut off by Rowan who had walked up to them mid-rant.

"Vincent, you\'re very energetic. Why don\'t you pour that energy into healing your wounds?"

"It\'s already done. Your little alchemist covered it up in some magical liquid. Look at it!" Vincent held out his arms where the skin had turned a healthy pink colour of healing. "This is even better than the stuff that the Lord Chancellor carries around."

Syryn corked the vial and handed it over to Vincent. There was still half of it left. He had meant to give it to Lucien but this was fine by him. He could always make another batch. "For this you owe me. Bring me a gram of sprite ore and I\'ll call it even." Syryn stood up, patted the dust off his trousers and turned to Rowan, ignoring Vincent\'s splutter of outrage.

"If Vincent does not bring me the ore, my services won\'t be available for negotiation." Syryn cheerfully informed the anti mages. He was already far behind schedule. "Later."

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