Soul for a Girlfriend?

Chapter 117 - She Think's I'm Weird?

Feeling awkward from the situation, his eyes shifted towards Naoto, who was eating her lunch, rather than taking part in the useless conversation that was going on. To change the topic of the conversation, he asked, "Senpai… how do you like our friend here?"

Naoto gulped down the food and and her dark-coloured eyes gazed into Tsumen and then over to me. Tsumen\'s question interested Yuna too, as a sly smile formed on her face too. Vivian batted a look from the corner of his eyes for an instant, but it was really subtle of us to notice.

Did he still have feelings for her? I wonder why they moved the relationship to a breakup or what would\'ve been their circumstances. Both of them were still on talking terms.

"Tsūmen…" Gaisen put his hand on his shoulder and sighed.

"Oh no…"

I glanced over at senpai and our eyes met for an instant. She was indeed quite a beautiful lady who had a subtle charm to herself and will make anyone like her on their first impression.

"Huh?" She asked in a tone which seemed awfully calm but sweet at the same time. Tsūmen was taken aback by the way she responded as he blushed a bit.

There was a shine in her eyes which seemed odd. Almost as if she was forcing it. A small smile formed on her face as she continued, "Oh, actually... he is quite an interesting character."

"Interesting?" Yuna tilted her head in confusion because the way she answered Tsumen\'s question was completely uncalled for. She referred to me as a character, instead of directly addressing me by my name.

"I have talked little to him except for that abrupt request to date him." Naoto shrugged politely, trying her best to not sound outright rude.

"What a Chad!" Ryuhan let out a laugh and slapped the table with his left hand.

"Absolutely!" Tsumen supported his statement and laughed along with him, which made Gaisen join them too.

"I don\'t have any other way to put it…" She looked over at them and said in a plain tone. Her way of talking is similar to mine, so I can feel her vibes sometimes.

"Weird is the word you\'re looking for." Vivian jumped in between with his wonderful suggestion and made Ryuhan laugh again.

"Vivian…" Yuna scolded him and her eyes glanced at me.

"What?" He looked at her with an irritated look on his face. 

"Weirdly cute... if you mean." Yuna added with a cheeky smile and glanced at me. I\'m not used to people flirting with me, so I didn\'t know how to react to that except for standing there with an awkward look.

"Oh, please shut up Yuna!" Vivian rolled his eyes and resumed stuffing food again. It\'s nice to see the ex-couple are both foodies.

"Don\'t take Yuna\'s word otherwise, she just likes to tease you since you\'re an underclassman." Naoto said and took a sip of the milk kept in front of her.

"Anyway, want to eat with us?" Yuna invited me with a warm smile and friendly tone.

I stood there with a straight face and replied slowly so that I wouldn\'t appear rude, "I actually had plans to eat with them."

"Oh…" The smile on her face slowly disappeared as she nodded.


"Oh, it\'s completely fine, don\'t worry." Naoto answered instead of Yuna.

As we were about to leave, Vivian again called out to Tsumen, "Oi Yukibrat! Tell your buddies to not do it again or I\'ll thrash them up good."

"Ahh… Sure…" Tsumen nodded with an awkward smile and Ryuhan laughed.

"Why do I feel like it\'ll happen again?" Vivian narrowed his eyes and said with a dubious look that made all of us chuckle a bit.

"Well, it\'s the surprise element." Tsumen shrugged with a proud smile.

"Tsūmen… don\'t embarrass us please." Gaisen said as he wrapped his hands around his shoulder and dragged him with. Ryuhan and Yuna waved us off as we walked away from their table.

Walking up to our table, I pulled out the chair with a screeching noise and sat down resting my back on the chair. Unwrapping the sandwich in my hands, I took a small bite and looked over at Tsūmen and Gaisen staring at me.

"Damn, you seem to be good friends with them." Tsūmen said, spinning the fork in his hands.

"Not really, it\'s been hardly two days since I\'ve been talking with them." I replied with a shrug and rested my left arm on the table.

"Really?" He asked with a curious look.

"What was the name of the tall dude?" Gaisen asked.

"Ryuhan?" I replied and his eyebrows rose up as he slowly nodded his head.

"Yes, he seemed to like you quite a bit." He chuckled.

"He just likes to pick on Vivian with me." I said, as it was the most probable reason. Also, because I don\'t understand why they are making such a vast deal out of me casually defending myself against him.

"And that other girl… What\'s her name?" Tsūmen narrowed her eyes, expecting an answer as I nodded and told her name.


"Mhm!" His face lit up and a cheeky grin formed on his face.

"What about her?" I asked in confusion, even though by that expression I could tell that whatever he was thinking wasn\'t relevant.

"Dude!" He yelled and paused for a moment to share a glance with Gaisen, who chuckled in return as he continued, "You can go all out with her."

"But I already asked Naoto senpai out." Well, I don\'t blame him, since he doesn\'t know my circumstances. Yuna was indeed a likeable girl and someone to be dated.

"No…" He looked at me with a frown and continued hesitantly, "... I didn\'t mean it like that…"

"Then? What?" I was a bit confused as I looked over at Gaisen, who seemed to try to control his laughter.

Catching my gaze, he chuckled and opened his mouth to explain, "Well, what he means is…"

But before he could properly say anything, Tsūmen interrupted him and didn\'t let him finish, "Arghhh… nevermind!!!"

And with that, the lunchtime was over too, and they were leaving for their club practice. It was quite the conversation I had with them, and also I got to know that Senpai thinks I\'m weird.

Well at least I have an impression on her, may it be good or bad. The way she phrased it didn\'t seem like it was meant as an insult, but rather she was trying to put it so it didn\'t offend me or something.

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