Everything will be my way!

Chapter 483 - 483

The main representatives of the golden youth came out of the dining room: a group of royal phasers led by Roman, Rose and Elsa. The three most popular students in the order.

{So the largest fish have arrived.} – Kyon thought with anticipation and with a sharp movement defeated his next opponent, after that he heroically patted his arm. – «Oh, how strong I am! Who among the lord phasers would dare to defeat me? Come on, don\'t be shy, I\'m ready to test my strength!»

«Holy Mother, he defeated the lord phaser at the ninth stage!» … «How is that?! His hands should have fallen off a long time ago, but it seems that he is only getting stronger!» … «Dick has already earned more than fifty thousand! I also want to earn so much!» … «Somebody stop him! I want to see him fail!»

«Let\'s get out of here.» – Rose muttered with a squeamish face, pulling the girl by the waist.

«No, let\'s see what happens. I\'m interested.» – Elsa resisted, without taking her eyes off Dick. She didn\'t understand why she was so interested in this mysterious young man. She wanted to know all his secrets, after all, he is a very extraordinary person.

«Okay.» – Rose reluctantly agreed with his future wife.

«Fatty, will you have the courage to fight the royal phaser?! Or are you going to mess around with weaklings?!» – the student volunteered.

«With the royal phaser?» – Kyon smirked. – «Let\'s do it!»

«Oh-oh-oh, what a man!» … «Ha ha! Finally, a worthy opponent!» … «It is high time!»

Lovr immediately added: «But by a twofold coefficient!»

«Aren\'t you too insolent?!»

«What makes you think that, sir? I\'m already exhausted! My arm is about to fall off! Besides, I am just a practitioner of the superior phase! When was the last time you saw such a small person compete with royal phasers?!» – Kyon began to skillfully influence the opponent.

«Come on, agree!» … «Come on!» … «Break him!» … «Don\'t torment us, you\'ll win anyway!»

Under the pressure of the crowd, the young man waved his hand and agreed: «Okay! Let it be, you talked me into it. You\'ll get a two-fold coefficient. I bet ten thousand.»

Kyon and his opponent tightly intertwined their palms. The muscles on the fat man\'s arm were swollen, straining to the limit. His face was distorted by a painful grimace, hailstones of sweat were streaming from his forehead. The fight lasted for about a minute, after which the shocked royal phaser at the beginning stage lost the initiative and failed.

{He defeated the royal phaser at the beginning stage!} – Elsa involuntarily raised her eyebrows in amazement.

The audience exploded with excited hubbub: «Madness!» … «Dick defeated even the royal phaser at the beginning stage! Is he getting stronger with every fight?!» … «He looks half-dead, but he still wins over and over again! How so?!» … «Damned swindler, what is his secret?! I also want to make money like that!»

Kyon smugly kissed his bicep, playing to the crowd and causing even more excitement. He especially liked the expression on his stepsister\'s face.

«I\'m next.» – someone\'s harsh voice seemed to cut through the hubbub of the crowd.

When Roman Clinton approached the table, everyone suddenly fell silent. The students looked at the future patriarch of the Clintons with awe and at the same time with hidden contempt. The third strongest student in the order wants to participate… This is overkill!

«Mr. Roman Clinton, you are the royal phaser at the middle stage… I, a practitioner of the superior phase, don\'t have a chance against you.» – Kyon explained with a sour face.

«I do not care.» – the guy snorted. – «We will play at a bet of fifty thousand points. I advise you to agree, otherwise you will have to pay even more for the treatment.»

Open threats at school, actual extortion and blackmail… Everyone had a lump in their throat from such insane arrogance. It seems that all the points earned by Dick will go into the hands of the bastard, and nothing can be done about this obvious injustice.

Kyon looked at Elsa, as if trying to tell him something, looked around the others, then suggested to Roman with a slight smile: «In that case, I think it\'s fair if a tenfold coefficient is put on my victory. Do you agree?» – unfortunately, higher coefficients are officially prohibited.

«Are you crazy?! Why not a hundredfold?!» – Roman spoke rudely.

«Are you afraid of losing? Well, if you are not sure of your strength, then…»

«Okay, whatever. I will win anyway.» – Clinton snorted. He fell for such a cheap manipulation deliberately because of Rose and Elsa standing next to him. He can easily put himself out as a brusque extortionist, taking by force whatever he wants! But to show cowardice and uncertainty - in no case.

{He\'s betting five hundred thousand!} … {Oh goddess, such crazy bets?!} – the hearts of the audience beat faster. Everyone was secretly rooting for Dick, although a minute earlier, on the contrary, they were eager to see his defeat. However, no one believed in the victory of the fat man, not even Elsa.

After the ritual of making a deal, the opponents gritted their hands.

Roman wanted to show overwhelming power, and for this, instant victory is not enough. He needs to break the fat man\'s arm! Therefore, from the very first second, he used all his physical strength, but, to his complete shock, the fat man\'s hand froze three centimeters from the table.

{What?!} – Clinton\'s eyes almost popped out of his head, and when the opponent raised his hand another centimeter, the guy realized that he could lose. If this happens, the humiliation will haunt him until the end of the school year!


The table shattered into pieces. Kyon somersaulted and almost crashed into the wall, but unexpectedly landed deftly on his feet.

«Mr. Roman… has won!» … «He defeated Dick with overwhelming force!» … «This is to be expected from the third strongest…» – more than half of the students confidently nodded and clapped, but the rest glanced at each other gloomily. The fact is that they felt that Roman used energy, which is prohibited by the rules. But will anyone have the courage to say this, taking on the anger of a bully?

Roman looked around at everyone present with a heavy gaze, as if warning that if anyone uttered a word, he would have problems, and held out his wrist to the fat man with the words: «I\'m waiting for my fifty thousand. Give me the points, fatty.»

A malevolent smile blossomed on Rose\'s lips. He approved of his friend\'s behavior. Even if he robs in broad daylight, the most ridiculous excuse is enough, and no one will dare to contradict – that\'s what real power is.

«You used energy.» – Elsa\'s cold voice suddenly broke the silence.

«Was Mr. Roman cheating? But why?!» … «It turns out that Dick won?!» … «Ha-ha, that\'s a surprise!» … «Lady Elsa can\'t stand injustice… She will not remain silent.» … «Yes, I also felt the energy!»

Roman gritted his teeth and looked with hatred at the girl who ruined his plan. Well, of course she will not miss the opportunity to punch him in the gut, because she despises him for buying a wedding with her sister with Tokens. She is not afraid of him, because she is too strong and talented, besides, the future wife of Rose Valentine.

Kyon shook off the nonexistent dust and spoke calmly: «So you used energy? Hehe, it looks like that. Lady Elsa is not one of those who will cheat. So I won! I will gladly accept half a million points from you…»

Roman abruptly grabbed the fat man by the collar and angrily whispered in his ear: «If you file a complaint with the administration, you will feed maggots in the cesspool, got it?!»

{I will definitely file the complaint.} – Kyon thought, not forgetting to nod like a dummy.

No one was surprised by Roman\'s deed. Even he cannot afford 500 thousand. If Dick dares to complain, then in this way he will only sign his death sentence.

Clinton left, barely restraining himself from cursing Elsa. The filthy bitch deprived him of 50,000 points. This amount he will earn at best in a month. If he had taken the points away now, it could have led to expulsion, after all, there are too many witnesses. And this lady obsessed with justice will gladly ruin his life.

{Why did he use energy?} – Elsa wondered. – {Couldn\'t he win instantly, so he went to extreme measures to save face? No, nonsense… He knew that I would interfere, and he wouldn\'t have refused fifty thousand! Is Dick so physically strong?! But this is also absurd!}

Stone was burning with curiosity. She decided to get answers through her boyfriend: «Rose, honey, how about a fight with Dick?»

«I\'m not interested in senseless childishness.» – Valentine tried to get out with dignity, but suddenly the girl\'s voice acquired pleading notes.

«Please, defeat him…» – Elsa asked kindly with a gentle smile on her lips.

«Are you kidding me?» – Rose looked in amazement into the beautiful eyes of the girl and realized that she was serious. He felt so disgusting, as if he had been asked to touch dog feces. Too humiliating!

«No, I just want to be sure that you are stronger than Dick.»

The audience whispered excitedly and looked at each other nervously.

Kyon wanted to kiss his older sister for the initiative. If he had asked Rose to fight, he would have instantly refused. But he is unlikely to refuse his girlfriend and future wife.

{What the hell, Elsa?!} – Rose couldn\'t understand why the girl dared him, trying to pit him against some nonentity. He will win in no time, and so what?! Doesn\'t she understand that she is belittling his dignity in this way? But how can he refuse her…

Having swallowed his pride, the handsome and elegant as a rose, long-haired blond walked up to the fat man, put on a glove and, with a wave of his hand, created a new table out of scarlet crystal rock: «I will fight with you. I\'ll bet a hundred thousand.» – since he decided to participate in this farce, let it at least bring him a commensurate compensation.

«Mr. Rose, it is a great honor for me to fight with you!» – Kyon bowed obsequiously.

«Hurry up.» – the blond man demanded.

«The coefficient is tenfold. Do you agree?»

«Yes.» – Rose nodded dryly, showing thereby complete confidence in his abilities. He could not show weakness in the presence of his future wife and a crowd of students.

«My god, he\'s risking a million!» … «He\'s not risking anything! Mr. Rose can\'t lose. He doesn\'t know how to lose.» … «I agree, he holds the title of the strongest student in the order.» … «And hasn\'t Elsa overtaken him yet?»

After the ritual of making a deal, the two guys gripped their hands on the table.

The audience held their breath, Elsa was especially worried. She was rooting for Rose. Nevertheless, her eyes gleamed excitedly, like those of a curious fox.

Kyon hated Roma and Rose to the core. His revenge on these bastards will be terrible and carefully verified, and most importantly, it will be fruitful. And it will start today. May the dark vessel in the core of the Void rejoice! May the cup be filled to the brim with darkness! Amen.

After a three-second countdown, something happened that no one expected: with a sharp jerk of his right hand, the fat man instantly overcame Rose, putting his palm on the table with a bang, and he did it with such overwhelming power that he even sent his opponent flying into the nearest window.

Under the eyes of three hundred students and Elsa, the most handsome guy of the order flew out of the building like a bag of garbage.

There was a deathly silence.

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