What The Luck!?

Chapter 401 - 401. Weapons

  "Louis, are you really bringing it home today?" Sammy was the only one that had not wanted to bring her gear home. Louis had waited a little later after school once some additional modifications had been made. 

"Of course I am bringing it. I want to train in it. I also had them ad those needles that Art made me. It will be way better for me to direct lighting. I also asked coach Winters if she had any weapons knowledge but she said that she would not teach that." Louis was understandably annoyed. He felt like he needed it to use his super power to the best of his current ability. 

"She doesn\'t handle weaponry. Neither does Garnet. They both believe in hand to hand combat as the best way to battle it out. But I know why you want weapons training. To be honest I was thinking about it myself. I don\'t really need to use one but I want to know how for the possibility that I could fight someone using them." Asher had been thinking of this a little bit from time to time. It was an important step for a hero.

Many of the crimes in the world would be committed by someone with a weapon if their super power couldn\'t be used for violence. Nowadays there were fewer of these crimes committed just using a weapon and more often using something that amplified their super powers. The news often showed stories of inventions that would amplify certain aspects of a persons\' super power. 

"I know where we can go to learn about various weapons. It\'s perfect. We can even head there now." 

"Of all the people to know where we can learn about weapons, it\'s Jackson?" Art spoke as if someone had just said the most ridiculous thing in the world. 

"Just trust me. I saw this place a few months ago. I walk by here all the time but I saw this old guy and his grandson training with weapons. Then the next day it was a different weapons. Then the next day a different weapon. They learn and train with a different one every single day. I promise it will be great for what we need to learn." Everyone was still looking at Jackson as if he had grown a second head. 

"Alright. Alright. It\'s an antique shop. But it\'s very old school and even had a demonstration space. I don\'t think they have a single screen in the place. But I always see very high end cars outside. But it\'s very nice. The old man always waves when he is sitting out front drinking his coffee." This sounded like one of the better parts of Jacksons\' morning and the group had realized why he would remember such a thing now. 

"Oh, his name is Ron. He said hello to me the other day after I left your house. He is very nice. His grandson comes to learn from him so that he can one day take over his antiquing business. Apparently, on his closed days, he goes to yard sales and auctions to buy antique weapons. It\'s his passion to save and restore pieces of history." Sammy chimed in happy to make the connection with the nice old man she had met. It was a very big surprise to hear that even Jackson had noticed him. 

"Well, then show us the way." Cara was more than sold on the adventure. 

Jackson and Sammy took the lead on the way there. Soon an out of place building was visible. It was back a little ways from the road which was why none of the group had really noticed it when they went to Jacksons\' house for dinner recently. The tiles on the roof were much older but incredibly well upkept. The same was said about the walls and redwood doors. Furthermore, there was an immaculate garden that wrapped around the entire property. The very center of the antique shop had a small courtyard which was rarely used in home design any longer. 

"I think this place is beautiful. I never knew places like this were real. The last time I saw something like this it was in a book. I think it was actually in the text book we had in middle school." Jane searched her memory for the time period of the architecture. 

"Thank you very much. This is my pride and joy. This is the oldest home built by some of the first people to migrate her from my fathers\' home country. I had to snap it up when I was about your age. It was nearly a pile of rubble back then." The rusty voice came through the air as the group noticed the older man sitting at a black steel table with a cup of still steaming coffee. "You\'re the young man that always walks by. Ah, and you are the nice young woman that stopped to say hello the other day. A very cute couple." The man laughed while sipping his coffee. "So what brings you to Ron\'s antiques? You all look a little young to be interested in old antiques. I hear kids like video games and anime lately." The laugh rang out again. 

"We hope we aren\'t bothering you. I noticed that every single day you and your grandson practice with different weapons. My name is Jackson. My friends here are trying to become heroes. We had hopes that you could show us a thing or two. We don\'t know anyone that trains with weapons and learning it online is very dangerous. Having someone with proper understanding would be better." Jackson was taking the lead in the most polite way possible. 

With a look of intrigue and soon understanding. "I recognize you from the newspaper. You and your friends are famous you know! I was in the newspaper too once. I sold a sword that was made by a king. Ha! To think I would meet someone from the newspaper." The question seemed to be ignored. 

The group stood silent while waiting for Ron to stop laughing. "I can help you out. But I expect all of you to help me out first. My grandson has a super power and always uses it to skip out on his chores. He doesn\'t get old folks like me who don\'t have a super power and never wanted one. If you can find where he disappeared to then you can learn one weapon each. If I remember that article right the paper said you share knowledge because you are all links of a chain. Sounds cheesy to me but who am I to judge. Oh, my grandson can turn invisible." 

"Wait, it\'s that easy?" Laura had expected some hardcore test or maybe some form of payment for teaching. And in all honesty, she also thought they would receive a flat out no. 

"It\'s that easy. It will be a lot more fun watching someone else look for him than for me to have to get up and look. I also have a slow point in business lately. I am waiting for my next shipment of old artifacts. I was told I have an executioner\'s ax that needs fixing and selling. I have never seen a real one used when castle were still a thing." 

"He has invisibility…I\'ve heard of that kind of power." Jane was not a fan of what she had heard about the people who received that super power. They would often get caught and put in to jail or special classes. 

"And you clearly know why his parents sent him to me. He is getting some very strict training. Now, good luck. If you need water I have an outdoor tap for training. Enjoy the fun." The small laugh from Ron made them all feel as if they had taken on a much harder challenge than they knew. 

"Just be careful around the antiques. He knows he should not be inside. So he should be around here somewhere."  Ron smirked as he kept his grandsons\' favorite hiding place to himself. It had been a few years since they had started living together and his grandson had always hidden in the same place. It was very funny but exactly how a younger child would think. 

"Do we split up?" Asher wasn\'t sure what the best process would be. None of them were familiar with this place and splitting up sounded like the best idea. 

"Sure. But I am not going anywhere near anything expensive. All I need to do is run too fast by one and have it fall." Laura shook her head with force. She was not taking any risks here. 

"How about the person that finds him doesn\'t have to do the next math packet?" Louis wanted a little extra motivation so he would have more time to train with his new gear. 

"I will take that deal! Let\'s go!" Art ran off in frantic search.. The rest of the group had no chance ti disagree. 

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