The Achievement Junkie

Chapter 56 Slivia in Captivity

Chapter 56 Slivia in Captivity

When Jack vanished before everyone’s eyes, they were baffled. According to their eyes and mind, Jack had disappeared in every sense of the word.

Only Rydel was able to find him but that was using the "True aim" skill like Rydel had done to locate the hidden goblin.

Jack reappeared in the same spot with a beaming smile on his face. "Since Troni got the armor, I’ll take this one. It’s only lv. 10 so I don’t think you’d want it."

"What!? Of course, I’d still want it!" replied Brunar.

"Even if the invisibility deactivates with a weapon equipped?"

The others realized why killing the goblin was so easy, and why it only carried the bracer and a contact crystal. They all sighed, giving up on trying to get it from Jack.

"What about me? Wouldn’t it be of use to me for phase two?" asked Rydel with a grin.

"True, but you’re not the only one sneaking into the city. Who do you think will be searching for the survivors and Slivia?" Jack mirrored Rydel’s smile.

Rydel laughed and responded mentally, ’You’ve got a point, but let me try it out sometime.’

’Sure thing captain!’

"You guys know what this means?" Rydel’s question grabbed everyone’s attention. "This thing probably started following us after we entered the third level, keeping an eye on our every move. But think of it this way, they’ve known exactly where we are but haven’t done anything more to us. Why is that?"

"Umm..." Brunar put his mind at work, trying his best to solve the question. "Because they’re afraid of you and Master?"

"I’m not so sure about that, but wouldn’t they have better chances of killing or capturing you two if it were in city limits?" Jack answered.

"I was thinking the same thing," agreed Rydel. "They’d rather charge and surround us near the city where they have who knows how many goblins."

"Also, don’t forget how high leveled the goblins have been. Just the outpost captains were all at least lv. 30 so far. Imagine what the city guards will be like or the goblin king," said Maynard.

They swallowed some saliva as they pictured how strong the city might be. Rydel added, "Of course, I don’t imagine them being too much stronger than the outpost captains. If they were that strong, the Royal Court would be too afraid to work with them. But still, things are very different from any of our expectations. Who would guess that goblins were smart enough to lie in wait for a perfect ambush on you guys while we were preoccupied?"

"It’s too weird, there has to be a reason for this," interjected Jack. "Like you said if the goblins grew too strong, then why would the Royal Court support them?"

"There’s only one way to find out," said Maynard as he put his hand on Troni’s shoulder. "You aren’t to blame for any of this, you tried your best. The only thing we can do now is move forward and teach those goblins to never defy a samurai."

Troni smirked lightly and bowed his head in respect. "Thank you, Master, I will follow your guidance."

"Since that’s over, I say we run to the goblin city. They already know we’re on our way, so why not surprise them with an early visit," chuckled Rydel. "But first, you three drink this."

Three small bottles appeared in Rydel’s hand and they were quickly dispersed to Jack, Brunar, and Troni. Rydel explained, "This is a prototype energy potion that a friend of mine has been working on. It’s supposed to give you enough energy to equal a decent night’s sleep. Try it and let me know what you think."

Brunar and Troni were hesitant, but Jack had finished his before Rydel was done talking and threw him the empty bottle.

The smell was very familiar to Jack, reminding him of the countless energy drinks he had consumed throughout his gaming career. It was more primitive and was chunky at times, but Jack was starting to get desperate to stay awake.

Not wanting to be outdone, Brunar put the bottle to his lips and slowly chugged the thick, grainy potion. Troni was repulsed by the look and smell of it, but he gave in to peer pressure and did his best to hold it down.

Soon the three of them felt more revitalized and alert. Jack was certain that he’d probably crash after three hours if he couldn’t rest by then, but he thought that was plenty of time to reach the nearing city at top speed.

"Well, let’s head out then." Rydel activated his kari crystal and dashed ahead.

The others didn’t take long to do the same, running to catch up and stay close to the party’s two pillars of strength. Since the goblins were onto them this whole time, why not use the kari crystals to speed things up?


About twenty kilometers away from the rushing party of adventurers, there was a resplendent city filled with an azure glow. It was twice the size of Baltwood and was pack to the brim with cave goblins.

The streets and buildings were basic and primitive, like larger versions of the abandoned huts on the second level. However, the abundant azure made up for the dull appearance. There was a roughly made stone wall that circled the entirety of the city. It only had a single gate to enter or exit but that was plenty for a city that never had visitors or trade caravans passing through.

On the opposite end of the main gate, a crude castle had been constructed from a concrete mixture using the cave’s natural stone as the main ingredient. Three towers extended out of the castle, appearing to wave and teeter harshly from uneven construction, making the castle appear like a triangle drawn by a kindergartener from the sky. The castle’s brilliance was the greatest in the whole city, compelling every goblin who passed it to gaze in awe.

Inside the main hall of that crude castle, a goblin messenger walked in and spoke in its native tongue, "Your highness, we have brought you the latest captive so you might pass judgment on her."

"Very well, let her in." A calm, feminine voice sounded from behind a canopied throne.

Two guards walked to a pair of wooden doors three times their height and pulled them open slowly. As light from the main hall entered the musky passageway, a few goblins in leather armor entered. One goblin carried a chain that pulled their captive along, beckoning her to follow obediently.

Hesitant to obey but doing so nonetheless, Slivia stepped into the main hall lit under the purest azure she had ever seen. The chain was connected to an iron collar around her neck and then to a set of iron clamps around her wrists. Her cloak had been removed and tattered by her captors, leaving her with only a fitted dress that was shown off in the magnificent lighting, despite the dirt and tears it now carried.

"Hmm, this one is very beautiful. Tell me, what is your name?" That same female voice asked Slivia from across the room in Common, the language used across the continent by humans and the more intelligent humanoids.

"W-why do you need my name?"

"Why not? A queen should know the name of her guests," replied the goblin queen. "You’re a cleric, no? We don’t have many healers here; your skills would be much appreciated here."

"I..." Slivia clenched her jaw, keeping herself from responding.

"Hmm? Speak, I know you wish to answer me."

"I... would never work for you..." Slivia mumbled a faint whisper, not understandable to any living thing.

"Speak, while I’m still patient." The queen’s tone turned darker, one degree away from threatening.

"I’ll never work for you!" blurted out Slivia, refusing to even entertain the thought of working with those responsible for the slaughter of her former captain and possibly her party.

Bursting into laughter, the queen’s voice filled every inch of the main hall. "You’re sassy, I like sassy. Why not work for me? I can provide all kinds of benefits, I’m sure you’ve noticed the abundance of my palace."

Not wanting to say more, Slivia turned her head away while shutting both her eyes and her mouth.

"Oh, you’re like the others huh? Don’t worry, you’ll join them soon enough after you’ve had a change of heart," stated the queen with a sinister snicker.

"The-the others? They’re alive!?" questioned Slivia, not able to contain her emotions under extreme stress.

"You’ll see them soon enough after you submit to me. Till then..." The queen commanded the goblin holding Slivia’s chains in her tongue, "Show our beautiful guest to her quarters, and make sure she appreciates it."

Without a word the goblin nodded and turned to exit the main hall with Slivia close behind.

"Wait, what about the others!?" Slivia continued her shouts and pleas.

"You’ll see soon enough, beautiful," answered the queen, still hiding behind the canopy within the shadow of the large thrown.

Before Slivia could say more, the doors were shut in her face. She pled with the goblin pulling her away, but there was no response like he had no way to understand her. In a few minutes, she and that goblin disappeared into the darker parts of the castle, making their way towards the dungeon.

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