Tales Of The World Devouring Serpent

Chapter 260: On the Eve of the Decisive Battle

Chapter 260: On the Eve of the Decisive Battle

Translator: Yamir Moon

Fang Yun’s body leisurely pierced the waves in the sea. He was analyzing the conversation he heard before in his mind.

“It seems that the decisive war is not far in the future. I hope that the human alliance doesn’t disappoint me.”

Fang Yun thought while swimming forward.

In the past few days, he has been eavesdropping on various conversations in this base and learned a lot.

The situation of the outside world is getting worse and worse.

Not to mention viruses and the like, just the energy crisis is terrible enough. In addition, the geothermal heat is still rapidly decreasing, plus the dust clouds covering the sky and preventing sun rays from shining on earth, caused the temperature to reach a terrifyingly low level.

Many places have become cold glacier where no life can thrive, the outside world is almost experiencing another ice age.

In addition, Fang Yun also discovered the latest big killer developed by the human alliance.

He didn’t hear about it, he actually saw humans conducting a test on Guardian Five.

That island was almost completely flattened. They only preserved a large jungle area on the edge of the island. Only that place still has tall trees and lush bushes.

The test was conducted there.

The first to appear was a K-series fighter. After reaching the island, a man jumped off from the bottom of the cabin.

Fang Yun was clearly able to see what that guy looks like. It was an Asian, male, with a though face, and a burly figure. He jumped off from the fighter without even a parachute.

The look on his face was extremely calm, without any slight fluctuations in his expression.

There are two big trees below him. Between the crowns of these two trees, there is an empty space of about 3 meters wides. Without any accident, the man is likely to fall in that face, straight to the ground.

Unless this guy is a superman, falling from a height 3 or 4 kilometers is enough to reduce him into a meat paste.

“Has the physical fitness of humans already reached such a level?”

He knew about the fact that human can increase their physical fitness by consuming various mutant creatures.

He even heard that someone used kaiju flesh and blood to make some kind of strengthening potion. Even an ordinary man drinks this potion, along with adequate exercise, he can transform into a superhuman being in just a week.

This potion is a top-secret product that only a few people at the top of the human race know of. He overheard information about it while spying on their information.

Back to the man who jumped off the fighter, his next actions caused Fang Yun to realize that he is completely wrong.

When the man reached a distance of about 5 meters above the two trees, 2 fluid ropes were suddenly ejected from his body, heading straight to the branches of the two trees.

After the guild ropes wrapped around the tree branches, they suddenly hardened. The man used the falling momentum to swing around in the air a few times, before falling lightly on the ground.

“Huh? What is that?”

Fang Yun felt that that liquid-like object is very similar to the biological build of Venom he saw in his previous life.

He still remembers that when the male host was riding a locomotive to escape. His venom suit was able to transform into various shapes, which he used to hinder the people chasing him.

While Fang Yun was surprised, a person was quickly meaning through the forest, jumping from tree to tree, as quick as lightning. After stealthily approaching the Asian man, he quickly raised a machine gun and started shooting at him.

The moment the sound of gunshots sounded, the liquid metal on the Asian man instantly wrapped his body, forming an armor, protecting him from the bullet rain.

At that moment, he looked very similar to the aliens that Fang Yun killed before.

Looking at this scene, Fang Yun looked thoughtful.

“Is it because of the aliens I killed?”

Looking at the new image of the man, Fang Yun thought back to an event he experienced before.

When he was in Hualien, he was ambushed by three levels 6 kaiju and a group of aliens. In the end, he killed a lot of aliens, the rest escaped along with the three levels 6 kaiju.

At that time, he wasn’t far away from the fleet of ‘Panda country’. They must have picked the bodies of the aliens after he went away.

“Bang! Bang! Bang!”

Many bullets landed on the armor of the Asian man. The sound of collision continuously sounded from the island. The bullets were completely unable to penetrate that few millimeters thick armor.

That machine gun isn’t an ordinary product. It’s the latest version specially made from new materials. The bullets are also special armor-piercing bullets made from a mixture of special metal and kaiju bones.

If the tanks of the old era are put in front of them, they will be easily shared to pieces. That just goes to show how strong is the defense of that armor.

“This defense is quite good.”

Fang Yun nodded.

“I wonder if that armor can resist my lightning attack or energy beam.”

He resisted the urge to launch an energy beam on that man and left the island.

It seems that the human alliance isn’t just passively waiting for the final attack of the kaiju. They are also preparing.

That liquid armor should be one of their trump cards.

However, they shouldn’t have shown the complete ability of that liquid metal in front of him. He feels that they are still hiding a lot of things.

“Why not create a suit like that of Iron Man?”

Fang Yun feels that the human alliance definitely has the capability to develop war suits like those of Iron man.

Using their latest technologies, along with that liquid metal, they can definitely create an army of “Iron Men”.

In fact, the human alliance researchers had this idea a long time ago.

It’s just that there are a lot of problems that need to be solved before making suits like that. For example, control. The human brain can’t make precise orders under the pressure of supersonic movement. They need something that will make controlling the suit easier, for example, Artificial Intelligence.

Fang Yun did not go out or wander around these days but stayed near the base. He slowly trailed behind Guardian One while surveying the surrounding situation.

As long as the war starts, he can immediately act.

In the past few days, he discovered that the ‘Bald Eagle’ country had been experimenting with a controllable level 6 kaiju

He watched as this kaiju flew at supersonic speeds in the sky. It opened its mouth and sprayed a very thick light beam, which landed straight on a small island with a diameter of one kilometer. The island was completely destroyed.

As the days passed, the imaginary decisive battle did not erupt, but human alliance never let their guard down.

They are constantly experimenting with new weapons. Furthermore, they are many scouts and spies surveying the area near the base of the aliens.

Around all the major islands, from Guardian One to Guardian Nine. There are many marine warships, and airships guarding them.

Almost three months later, Fang Yun was a bit bored. During this time, he was mostly trailing near the base. He is starting to get impatient.

But just on this day, something finally happened.

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