The City of Terror

Chapter 267 - Shaking, Giant Beast

Zhou Xing Yuan was muttering something. Previously, he was not afraid of those dinosaurs thanks to his gun and car.

In his eyes, the strongest dinosaur was the Tyrannosaurus Rex. Even if it appeared, he believed that it would become a corpse once he crashed into it with the car. If it was not possible, he still had a gun with 20 bullets!

However, he had now forgotten that he even had a gun.

The seismosaurus was just so big that his gun was just a toy in front of it.

Even if he used the gun to attack its eyes, there was no guarantee that he would succeed.

The reason was simple. There was a transparent membrane on the seimosaurus’ eyes.

The seismosaurus arrived with ground-shaking steps and left in the same fashions. It completely ignored Wei Xiao Bei and the Volvo parked at the side.

Perhaps for the seismosaurus, enemies or friends were an inconvenience while only food was truly worthwhile.

Zhou Xing Yuan’s mind finally returned to normal once the seismosaurus left.

He looked at his favorite car and recalled the seismosaurus. If the car crashed into the seismosaurus, it might not even care about him, not to mention he might die doing so.

In short, Zhou Xing Yuan suddenly noticed that his Volvo was like an iron coffin. If other gigantic dinosaurs fixed their attention at it, then he would not even have the chance to escape.

In the end, he came down the car, locked it, and followed behind Wei Xiao Bei.

Seeing Zhou Xing Yuan do so, Wei Xiao Bei not care and quickly ran towards the lake.

On the lake side, there were big long-necked dinosaurs drinking water.

They were called diplodocus. Their body lengths were one of the longest among dinosaurs at more than 27 meters long.

Now that he was here, Wei Xiao Bei would not let them go. He raised his spear and charged at those diplodocus.

Seeing him attack without hesitation, Zhou Xing Yuan felt faint.

He felt that this brat had big guts.

When so many dinosaur appeared in Zhou Xing Yuan’s line of sight, the impact the sight brought was much bigger than just seeing those few velociraptors from before. He could not help but gulp down his saliva and retreat a few steps. Seeing that Wei Xiao Bei had already charged ahead, Zhou Xing Yuan felt that going back in the car was much more safer.

Thinking about this, Zhou Xing Yuan forced himself to calm down without leaving.

No matter what was said, Zhou Xing Yuan had been successful in society for a long time. He knew that if he truly returned back to the car, he would not have the courage to come back down.

It was like the time when he accompanied Wan Da Hao to negotiate with someone. The opposite party had safety in numbers. Being afraid would increase the fear and and decrease the ability to use courage to fight back.

After calming down, Zhou Xing Yuan looked at the dinosaurs with excitement in his eyes.

In truth, this was only a type of self hypnosis that he placed on himself.

Self hypnosis was not something just learned by people who study hypnosis or psychology, but it was completely just a type of self suggestion.

As long a person repeated things in their hearts, then it was easy to strengthen the suggestion in their hearts.

Naturally, Zhou Xing Yuan’s self hypnosis was to break free from his fear of the dinosaurs.

However, when he looked at them again, he was immediately stupefied.

At this moment, the dinosaurs that were playing in the water happily and drinking water had already panicked and tried to escape from the water. On the other hand, Wei Xiao Bei was pulling out his great spear from a diplodocus’ corpse.

Wei Xiao Bei felt a bit of discrepancy as he did this.

Although Wei Xiao Bei knew that most herbivorous animals had lesser guts and fighting strength than carnivorous animals, the diplodocus was too gutless.

When he used [Status Appraisal], he found that the diplodocus was a 2-Star Terror Creature, and their status was leaning towards strength and vitality. Compared to velociraptors, they were a lot stronger. Additionally, they had the [Conform] and [Timid] skills.

Conform: When there are more than five diplodocuses, they will mimic the actions of the first one.

Timid: When a diplodocus dies, all diplodocuses will lose their morale and run away.

And these two skills were fully displayed in the battle that just happened.

The diplodocus that had been hit by [Status Appraisal] became angry and charged at Wei Xiao Bei. The other diplodocuses that were eating at the side stopped their actions and followed its lead as they charged at Wei Xiao Bei.

However, Wei Xiao Bei only needed to thrust his great spear once to penetrate through the leading one, killing it in an instant. After its death, the next action of the diplodocuses was to run away towards the lake.

Although their movements were clumsy, they speed was not slow at all.

The diplodocus was a 2-Star Terror Creature, but they only gave Wei Xiao Bei 200 evolution points.

It goes to show how weak they truly were.

Afterwards, Wei Xiao Bei continued to chase after them, but because they were determined to escape and Wei Xiao Bei did not dare to go too deep into the lake, he was only able to kill only two of them in the end. The blood from their bodies flowed into the lake.

Many black shadows suddenly swam towards the corpses from beneath the lake, further making the diplodocuses panic.

Wei Xiao Bei had also sensed the approach of danger. He immediately pulled out his great spear and quickly returned to shore. Although the great spear had only absorbed a bit of power, it was still better to pull back from fighting in a disadvantageous position.

It must be known that although he was good at swimming, he still could not compare to those aquatic animals in aquatic battles.

This was something he was fully clear of.

To know oneself is true progress.

He saw that there were ferocious sharks and alligators which were bigger than normal, charging at the corpses and striving to tear a piece of meat for themselves. He knew that what he did was correct.

The sharks and alligators were not normal sharks and alligators.

The sharks were said to be ancestors of sharks and dinosharks. They were also a lot larger and much more ferocious than them.

The alligators were the same.

The power of the both of them were between 2-Star Terror and 2-Star Elite.

The diplodocuses had already escaped far towards the other side of the lake while there were no other dinosaurs around, so he used his [Status Appraisal] on one of the alligators.

From the appraisal, the alligator was called a deinosuchus. It lived on the Earth 780 million years ago. Its status was leaning towards strength and agility.

The reason Wei Xiao Bei appraised it was not to check its status but to lure it towards him.

The result was as expected.

After being appraised, the deinosuchus immediately became angry and swam towards Wei Xiao Bei.

Its speed was fast, faster than alligators in the real world. With Wei Xiao Bei’s estimate, it was more than twice as long as an alligator! The water line left by the deinosuchus made it look like a battleship that was preparing for an assault.

If it was a normal person, they would have been scared witless after seeing the deinosuchus approach at such a speed.

However, Wei Xiao Bei did not even flinch. His looked at it coldly. When it arrived on shore, the great spear in his hands immediately became a black dragon that charged out.

In an instant, the deinosuchus did not even have a chance to react as the great spear penetrated it, killing it on shore.

Instant kill!

Very clean!

That’s 250 evolution points.

The monsters that had been reflected into the Dust World from people’s thoughts had huge discrepancies in strength.

This huge discrepancy is even more visible with creatures of the same rank.

After using [Status Appraisal] on another deinosuchus, it had failed to lure it in.

Damned probability.

Towards the probability of this ability being noticed, Wei Xiao Bei had no control of it at all.

However, when he used it again, he felt that there was something strange.

After he used it again on another deinosuchus, it also failed to work. Instead, the deinosuchus and the dinosharks were attacking each other and stealing the meat in the other’s mouth.

Status Appraisal! Target is the shark!

The dinoshark did not have any reaction at all.

At this point, Wei Xiao Bei roughly understood that his [Status Appraisal] was unable to be noticed by these monsters.

Why did this happen?

Wei Xiao Bei could not understand the reason behind this.

However, there was no doubt that if he could not use [Status Appraisal] to lure in the sharks and the alligators anymore.

Why is it so difficult to gain evolution points?

Wei Xiao Bei pulled out the great spear and walked towards the forest.

Seeing Wei Xiao Bei leave the dangerous lake, Zhou Xing Yuan hesitated, but he still chased after him with a face full of smiles as he tried to strike up a conversation again, “Little bro, I never imagined you to be so awesome!”

Saying this, Zhou Xing Yuan gave him a thumbs up.

In truth, these words were Zhou Xing Yuan’s true impression on him.

Seeing Wei Xiao Bei use the great spear to kill the diplodocuses gave him a strong visual impact that other people could not imagine.

Zhou Xing Yuan felt as if he had seen a human-shaped monster, a monster hidden under the human skin of Wei Xiao Bei!

Zhou Xing Yuan wanted to run away, but after seeing Wei Xiao Bei’s strength, he could not help but want to associate with him.

In truth, let alone the deinosuchus that was more than 8 meters long, even the more than 27 meter long timid diplodocus was enough to suppress a normal armed human.

When the 27 meter long diplodocus charges at them, they would probably collapse, and anyone still left standing could already be considered brave.

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