Extraordinary Genius

Chapter 679 – Got sued again

You think our companies will let this off lightly? You all are only a supermarket chain. What’s there to be arrogant? We must teach this supermarket a lesson, and that Manager Guo must be sacked!

The next day, a few newspapers reported that Tai Hua Supermarket was discriminating Japanese companies and was sued jointly by several Japanese firms. The report claims that Tai Hua Supermarket was breaking the friendship between China and Japan. They demanded an apology from Tai Hua Supermarket. The Beijing Government must also apologize!

Fu Guangzheng and Li Zekai were in other provinces scouting for new locations for their supermarkets when they got the news. They called Feng Yu immediately to find out what happened.

Manager Guo had also told Feng Yu about this incident. Feng Yu also felt Manager Guo did nothing wrong. If this was a typical business deal, it does not matter whether if they were Japanese firms or not. But they were too arrogant. Chasing them out of the office was just a light punishment. If Feng Yu were there, he would ask the security guards to beat them up!

Feng Yu told Fu Guangzheng and Li Zekai not to worry. He will settle this and will not let Tai Hua Supermarket suffer any losses.

Zhang Han’s father also called Feng Yu because of this incident. He knew that Feng Yu had shares in Tai Hua Supermarket. This incident was no longer a business dispute. It was escalated to a political disagreement.

“Uncle Zhang, it’s okay. They wanted to sell their products in our supermarkets, but was rejected by us and got angry. They are just nobodies and can’t create any problems..”

“Xiao Feng, if the higher-ups were to pursue this matter, there is nothing I can do to help you. This morning we had a meeting, and the Mayor and Secretary were concerned about this matter. This will affect the relationship between the two nations. I tried to say a few good things for you, but I can’t do much.”

“Thank you for your help. I will handle this myself and will not bring any trouble to the City Government or the Chinese Government. I will let these companies know that they can’t just make such baseless claims!” Feng Yu replied with an evil smile.

Sue Tai Hua Supermarket Corporation? Don’t blame us for countersuing you all!

Sony, Toshiba, Pioneer, and Sharp. These 4 companies want to sue us? You all think that you all are big multinational corporations and can influence the higher-ups to pressure Tai Hua Supermarket and insult China at the same time?

If that’s what you all are thinking, then you all are wrong! China can do without Japan, but Japan’s economy cannot do without the Chinese market. If the relationship between both countries deteriorates, Japan will be at the losing end!

Feng Yu took out his mobile phone and dialed a number he did not call before. “Hello, Director Fang. I am Feng Yu from Bing City Machinery…… I also have shares in Tai Hua Supermarket. It regards today’s newspaper report. I would like to explain to Premier Zhu……. Ok. I will wait for your call.”

10 minutes later, Feng Yu received a call from Director Fang asking him to go to the Zhongnanhai at 12.30 pm. Someone there will bring Feng Yu to meet Premier Zhu.

Liu Jichuan’s hands were shaking as he drove: “Are we really going to Zhongnanhai to meet with Premier Zhu?”

“Watch the road. You are driving. Also, I am the one meeting him. You cannot enter.” Feng Yu knew he was not allowed to bring a bodyguard with him for this meeting.

Liu Jichuan was slightly disappointed and concentrated on driving. But even if he could not meet Premier Zhu, he was still able to look at Zhongnanhai up close.

It would be best if he could enter Zhongnanhai’s compound. But Liu Jichuan knew that this was impossible.

Liu jichuan did not know how come Feng Yu could enter that place and did not know why Feng Yu was able to contact Premier Zhu’s office director. But he did not think much about this as this was not something he should be concerned with.

Liu Jichuan was satisfied with his current job. He did not have much to do, and his salary was high. He does not need to worry about other things, and in less than 2 years, he will be able to save enough to buy a house in the city for his father.

The car slowly reached the destination. Security was tight, and the vehicle was searched thoroughly.

Feng Yu made a phone call, and a bespectacled middle-aged man walked out. He saw Feng Yu and brought Feng Yu into the building.

Before entering the office, two bodyguards approached Feng Yu and wanted to conduct a body search.

“The Premier said the search is not needed.”

The two bodyguards nodded and stood aside. Feng Yu felt better. He was not willing to be searched even when he was meeting the Premier. He does not like this feeling of being suspected and not respected.

“Thank you.” Feng Yu said.

After entering the office, he saw Iron fist Zhu reading a document. It was lunchtime, and he was still working.

Iron fist Zhu looked up: “Xiao Feng is here? Have a sit. Let me finish reading this document first.”

Feng Yu sat down in one corner, and someone served him tea. There were only 3 people left in the office. Iron Fist Zhu, Director Fang, and Feng Yu.

5 minutes later, Iron Fist Zhu put down the document and massaged the bridge of his nose. He walked over to Feng Yu and sat down on the sofa beside him. “You are here to talk about Tai Hua Supermarket Corporation?”

Feng Yu replied calmly: “I want to explain about the accusations by those Japanese firms. Actually, I think that even if I did not come here to explain to you, I would also be fine. The government will do anything and let those Japanese firms bully us.”

Iron Fist Zhu did not accept Feng Yu’s claims.

“Why do you say that? Those companies are related to the Japanese Government one way or another. They have issued a joint complaint against Tai Hua Supermarket Corporation. This matter is now escalated to national level dispute. Where did you get the confidence that our government will support you all?”

“Because we are a Chinese enterprise and we are Chinese! Also, we, Tai Hua Supermarket did nothing wrong!” Feng Yu replied confidently.

“Oh? You all did nothing wrong? Are you telling me that those companies’ representatives have accused your company?” Iron Fist Zhu smiled and looked at Feng Yu.

Feng Yu’s reply surprised Iron Fist Zhu. “They also did not accuse us. Our company does discriminate them!”

Director Fang frowned. That means those Japanese companies were right in this dispute. Then why was Feng Yu here? Did he come here to ask the government to protect them?

Now was a crucial time for China and Japan diplomatic relationship. There were many areas where both nations need to corporate. This Feng Yu was just creating trouble for the Chinese government.

“Why are you all discriminating them? What right do you have to discriminate them?” Iron Fist Zhu did not reprimand Feng Yu. But he just asked him back these questions.

“We do not only discriminate them. We even despise them. Those companies cannot do without our Chinese market. That means they are here to seek a living. Without us, Japan’s economy will not be able to recover. Japan is an almost bankrupt country, and we are the next up and rising nation. This includes the companies. They are all on the decline, and we are rising to the top. Why can’t our company despise them?”

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