Why Did You Summon Me?

Chapter 134

Mia was sitting alone on the grass outside the camp with the hammerhead shark doll placed on her legs. With a sad face, she stroked the gash on the plushie’s white belly and somehow, the plushie looked like it was enjoying the treatment. Wagging its tail leisurely, it would rub the back of Mia’s hand from time to time. The scene looked very much like an owner comforting her wounded pet.

Huskar who came along with Baiyi suddenly hopped down from the goat before he even got close to Mia. With a flash, he pulled a spear out of Zar’Zar’s back and jumped in front of the others. In a loud voice, he yelled, “Watch out!” at the same time, the image that had appeared before on the battlefield re-emerged again behind him.

Concurrently, the two Divine Warriors also detected something as they rapidly hopped down from their goats and just like Huskar, they summoned their ancestors and with spears in their hand, they stared fiercely at the direction that the Huskar was staring at. Even Attie was frowning and bent her waist slightly, ready to attack at any time.

However, the place that they were staring at was an empty space next to Mia. To the naked eyes, there was nothing there except for blue sky and lush green grass.

Baiyi quickly waved his hand and tried to control the situation, “Relax guys, it’s here to help us.” Having said that, he whistled and the hammerhead shark doll that Mia was holding broke from her embrace and swam swiftly towards Baiyi, snuggling up against his visor.

Was this guy a dog?

Noticing Baiyi’s return, a joyful smile filled Mia’s face at once. Just as she was about to throw herself into his embrace, the Huskar suddenly yelled out fiercely in their barbarian language, “Stay there!” Even though Mia did not understand a word that he said, she was startled by such a loud shout that she stopped in her track.

“Relax, guys! It’s really alright!” Baiyi quickly calmed them down. At the same time, he tapped the head of the hammerhead shark plushie that was snuggling up against his stomach, expressing to him that he should deal with the situation quickly.

Without warning, a 60 feet white behemoth suddenly materialized out of thin air on the empty ground beside Mia. It glanced at Baiyi’s plushie before slowly backing away a few steps and disappeared again into thin air.

As if sensing the beast had left, the Huskar deactivated the golden light on his body and let out a sigh of relief as he whispered “He’s gone...” before he returned the spear to Zar’Zar casually.

Previously, when he was locked in that intensive battle with the Steppe Barbarians, he only used his fists to fight with enemies but the first thing that he did just now was to take a spear from Zar’Zar the moment he sensed that beast. One could easily imagine what a terrifying existence the behemoth was.

Zar’Zar took back the spear and looked back at Cuckoo the Alpine hawk-eagle who was paralyzed with fear on the goat before lowering his head down and muttered, “T-That thing was really ghastly. I-I’ve never felt fear for so many years already and j-just now, I actually had a taste of it again.”

“Fortunately it was already full, or otherwise...” Huskar murmured as he looked at the bodies on the ground and did not continue saying anything anymore. Based on his judgement, with only the four of them, they were absolutely no match for that behemoth.

Without a doubt, the behemoth that could force the fearless and peerless Divine Warriors to bow their heads down in surrender had already created a chaos in the Void.

“That time when I came across that monster, we both had chosen to part ways and did not cross swords with each other,” the Caveman explained, “I did ask my ancestors about it later on and they told me that it was not cowardice but a wise choice indeed.”

“There was some record about this phantom behemoth in the Gouve realm. The Dragon Knight troop encountered them when they were reclaiming a realm and dispatched hundreds of their Dragon Knight to take them down. In the end, only a dozen of those knights came back and three hundred of them died battling just three of those phantom behemoths. I saw the record in the journal that I found in one the chiliarch’s tomb. That was probably the biggest lost the Dragon Knight had faced in their entire history,” The Adventurer joined in the conversation.

“No wonder when the realm of Isythre started the upsurge in reclaiming realms, there were no movements at all in the Gouve realm. Now I understand why,” the youngest Walker, the Apprentice, said, “Rumor has it that the behemoth is slightly different from ordinary behemoth. They seem to possess some sort of special ability that allow them to move between realms and hide between the invisible cracks in between the realms. Or, could it be that they use these cracks to travel swiftly?

Yeah, it’s something like that. This phantom behemoth must have a special ability in this field. It’s because they are like a phantom who can appear or disappear without trace that they were given this name phantom behemoth, Baiyi supported his view, It’s exactly because of this, that the behemoth could rush from the Eol Mountains to protect Mia in such a short amount of time.

The reason why the phantom behemoth posed such a big threat to even a Huskar was exactly the extraordinary ability that it possessed. With that ability, it could easily sneak an attack or dodge the opponent’s attack. A phantom behemoth that could turn invisible along with its sturdy body and immense power was like a Divine Warrior who mastered the assassin’s Sneak. One could easily imagine how troublesome it would be if one were to come across it suddenly.

“Wow! What a peculiar creature that is blessed with such amazing natural ability. But hold on, howcome the 27th Walker can control it? Could it be that... he is that...?” The Apprentice seemed to recall something and asked again.

That’s right! He is a terrifying magical creature that was named by you guys as the Realm’s Blight , Baiyi announced the real identity of the 27th Walker, The reason why he doesn’t interact much with you guys is because he doesn’t know how to communicate with other people.

“It’s really the 27th Walker?” The Warrior who was usually taciturn joined in the conversation as well, “I heard that the Northern Kingdom had sent many warriors to hunt it down but too bad I was still young that time so I couldn’t join that quest. I only saw his information on a book later on and I remembered that he was called the King of the Wasteland in the Northern Kingdom.”

“You should be grateful that you didn’t join that quest,” The Engineer broke his usual silence and said, “According to the records of our trade unions, many blacksmiths and large-sized magical marionette were dispatched that time and in the end, none of the people who went came back. It was said that there were around 10 Holy Level beings and countless Immortal Level beings who joined the quest. Many major guilds were involved in that quest, too. In the end, 3 of the Holy Level beings were sacrificed and it was only when the Church joined in that they were able to exiled him. Now that I think about it, it still sounds very horrifying to me...”

“What? The number that it took to hunt this creature down is actually more than mine? I can’t believe that there’s an even more terrible existence than mine!” The Lich mocked.

Actually, it’s not that he’s better in fighting than you are but he’s just good in escaping and sneak attacks, Baiyi explained, At first he was just a very normal helminth who lived in the Eol Mountains since a long time ago. ALl he did was preying on small worms when he was hungry, he did not even know what species it was. Then, by eating them, he slowly obtained their abilities and became powerful in that process. Gradually, he began to eat more and more, and his prey began to change into preys that were bigger and more powerful. By the time he had started to prey on dragons and behemoths, his power had already became so strong that he was beyond control.

In the end, he slowly found the food in the Eol Mountains to be boring and started to hunt for other food at other places, creating problems for human beings of different realms. Eventually, humans started to hunt it down. Well, that’s basically his whole life. Isn’t it simple yet boring?

Baiyi roughly retold the life story of the 27th Walker.

“In another word, all he did was constantly pursue for power. Too bad I never got the chance to encounter it!” The Warrior concluded with some regret.

No, no, no, he’s not that complicated! He was merely hungry and wanted to look for more good food. Instead of saying he was eager for power, looking for food is more like it. Still, it didn’t grow much of a brain after eating so much. After he had exchanged his memory with me and got to know all of Earth’s cultures, he wanted to become panda you know... Baiyi added.

“Why a panda?” Somebody asked.

Because he would be fed all the time without needing to worry about getting starved or hunted. On top of that, it’s the favorite animal of many people, Baiyi chuckled, He’s actually very lazy! If it wasn’t for the fact that he needed to become stronger due to the constant hunting from human being, he would not have turned into what he is right now in the first place. Well, as of now, since there’s nothing to eat in the Void at all, he decided to just hibernate and sleep his time away.

“Then why did he act like a dog suddenly?” Another curious Walker asked.

Oh, ’cause he realized that he would never become a panda with his appearance so he decided to just become a pet since by his logic, it’s more or less the same anyway. Just because I was an Earthling who would basically keep all sorts of animals as pets, coupled with the fact that I don’t mind his appearance at all, he decided to stick to me and treats me as his owner... Baiyi continued,In truth, he not only knows how to bark, he can ‘meow’,too, you know!

When he was finally exiled, he looked like a gigantic bee that has two forelimbs and two sharp spikes on his back. He could fly in a very high speed and is particularly agile and lethal, he added again.

“Oh, yes! I remember that when I was still alive, there was a divine weapon that was forged using its carcass!” The Scholar chimed in.

Anyway, because of his appearance and that two sharp spikes on his back, I intended to call him Two-Thorned Salamander at first but he didn’t like this name much. Instead, he seems to be fond of this name Taotie 1 so I decided to just call him Monster ,” Baiyi briefly explained the reasoning behind his nickname before he added again, But then, don’t disregard him just because you think he is unambitious and stupid. In truth, his strength is actually very powerful and the reason that phantom behemoth listened to him is because it is no match for him at all. The moment that behemoth sensed his aura, it quickly rushed over to help in no time.

“As expected from the legendary King of the Wasteland. Even after such a long time had gone by, there are still people who remember his existence,” the Warrior added.

When that conversation was taking place in the Void, the duration that it took in the realm of reality was actually just a very short time. Mia seemed to have notice the departure of her temporary protector and longingly, she looked towards the direction of the forest and whispered, “Mr. Snowman left already?” Then, waving her hand at the distance, she shouted in a loud crisp voice, “Thank you! Mr. Snowman!”

A question mark appeared in Baiyi’s head at once. He did not understand why that girl would link a snowman to the ferociouscreature.

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