I Have A Super USB Drive

Chapter 500: Spread

Chapter 500: Spread

The captain of the task force sent by the North Sea Continent was named Boris. In the culture of the North Sea Continent, this name meant “fighting tirelessly for glory”. His father wanted him to fight like a great man.

At this time, Boris walked out of the disinfection room, put on the prepared uniform, and walked into the living area.

“Hey, Captain Boris, I’m really glad to see you.”

Seeing Boris walking in without any problems, several of his subordinates breathed a sigh of relief, and completely let go of their worries because the fact that he was allowed in meant that he was not infected and was completely healthy.

“Let’s stop talking about this, take me to the cafeteria.”

However, Boris only turned pale. He waved his hand and walked directly into the cafeteria. At this time, there was already a group of people in the cafeteria eating heartily. After all, after a day of activities, everyone was hungry.

There was an XTN robot chef in front of the cafeteria. At this time, seeing Boris and the others arrive, it immediately stretched out its six hands to serve the food out the window and placed the servings neatly on the windowsill.

After this, Boris seemed to be mad with hunger. He rushed up like a wild dog, took the high-calorie food in front of him, and sat on a chair to eat ravenously.

“Captain Boris, it looks like you’re really hungry.”

Everyone was laughing and chattering.

Boris completely ignored all of this. The living area here was a bridgehead in the other world. Naturally, living conditions were absolutely without problems. The food provided was enough for any big guy to eat his fill. The only requirement was not to waste. So, Boris ate three portions directly and stopped only when it appeared that his stomach was almost unable to hold more food.

Then, thanks to his privileges as an officer, he took his own key and arrived at the single dormitory under the guidance of an android.

As soon as he saw the bed, Boris felt the fatigue of a lifetime washing over him. He climbed onto the bed without thinking about it, and fell into a deep sleep as soon as his head hit the pillow...

“Ding-dong, ding-dong!”

Who knew how long it was before an alarm rang by his ears and he slowly opened his eyes.

However, immediately, he felt a scorching sensation assaulting him. Every muscle and bone in his body was aching, making him grimace constantly.

At the same time, there was a sticky feeling on his body.

Boris slowly got up from the bed. He looked at his bed with dazed eyes, but when he got a good look, his pupils suddenly shrank!

He saw that his bed was stained with large patches of blood spots. These blood spots were densely packed and some had even spread into one large swathe, clearly printed on the bed sheet underneath.

“How could this be?”

Boris wore a look of horror. He quickly raised his head and saw that a mirror had been considerately placed on the wall. He rushed up hurriedly and immediately saw his appearance at this time.

At this time, Boris’ face was pale and it looked very swollen. His entire body seemed to be twice as fat and small sarcomas had appeared on his face and body!

When he saw these sarcomas, Boris almost collapsed. He stared at the sarcomas on his face and then stretched out his hand to touch them. These sarcomas were extremely painful to the touch, causing him to gasp continuously. Moreover, as he touched them, something seemed to be slowly wriggling inside!


Boris looked even more horrified. “How could this be, I did a test, I didn’t get any infection, why, why did it become like this!”

With that, he leaned directly on the wall, breathing heavily, and at the same time, the index fingers of both hands quickly squeezed toward the sarcoma. He wanted to squeeze out the contents inside!

The tips of these sarcomas opened and closed as if they were breathing. He took a deep breath and then suddenly exerted force through his hands. A sudden violent stab of pain hit him, making him dizzy...

However, he squeezed out something. It was a slender tail that looked like a worm. It was squeezed out due to the immense pressure and it squirmed twice in front of his eyes, and then withdrew again!

“Ah, d*mn it!!!”

Boris let out an exclamation. He angrily hammered the mirror in front of him. With a loud crack, the mirror shattered directly and dropped to the ground.

However, at this moment, the “ding-dong” sound came again, and Boris looked blankly in the direction of the sound. Only then did he see that the sound came from a speaker on the ceiling.

This was the wake-up call.

As if something had occurred to him, Boris suddenly looked utterly disheartened. Instead of opening the door, he staggered back to the bed and pressed a red emergency button next to him.

“Hello Captain Boris, this is the artificial intelligence system no. X2532, codenamed Anna. How may I be of service?”

A cold mechanical female voice came from the overhead speakers.

“... I’m requesting isolation.”

Boris twitched his lips and finally said, “I have some kind of abnormal infection and need to be quarantined urgently. The living area of the North Sea Continent also needs to be quarantined...”

“Received. I’ll report your request, please stay calm...”

Immediately, the green light in front of the gates of the North Sea Continent task force’s living area flashed, turning from green to red in an instant. At the same time, all the gates emitted a clicking sound, which was the sound of the airlock closing. In an instant, the living area on the North Sea Continent became a quarantine area.

Meanwhile, a harsh siren resounded over the entire base!



Almost at the same time, on the two scientific research ships, many researchers immediately received the news. The bald researcher immediately walked to the big screen. With a wave of his hand, the screen displayed a cramped row of camera footage.

“At present, only one sign of infection has been found. The sign occurred in the living area of the East Crow task force. The situation may be somewhat serious.”

A researcher beside reported to the bald researcher.

The bald researcher looked at the information sent to him and immediately issued an order, “Seal off the entire living area at once. Not only the living area of the East Crow task force but all the living areas! At the same time, order the members of the task force who are standing guard at the base to not enter the living areas again, and no one is allowed to return to our reality!”

“All living areas have been sealed off.”

Suddenly, a feminine mechanical voice came from inside the cabin. It was the artificial intelligence, Anna. “At present, there are 82 task force soldiers, 35 logistics researchers, 100 androids, and 56 XTN robots in the four major living areas of A, B, C, and D.”

“Very good.”

The bald researcher tapped on one of the cameras’ footage and said, “Display the feed showing the dormitory of Captain Boris of Team East Crow for me.”

Following the instruction of the researcher, among the densely packed surveillance feeds on the screen, one of the images was immediately enlarged to cover the others. All of a sudden, everyone saw the terrifying scene —

On the edge of the bed, a man with a sarcoma-filled face was holding a shard of broken mirror, constantly cutting his face. Every time he cut, he would cut off a piece of meat from his face.

Furthermore, perhaps he had gone numb or something, but currently, though he was bleeding all over his face, he looked extremely serene, like a ghost from hell.

Seeing this eerie scene, everyone was stunned.

“Make him stop now. He’ll bleed to death if this continues.”

The bald researcher frowned, suddenly thought of something, and at the same time commanded, “Anna, send an android and an XTN robot to treat him and also turn on the communications. I want to talk to this captain.”

“Understood. The medical robot is on its way and the communications are connected...”

The voice of the intelligent AI Anna continued and the bald man looked at everyone behind him. After everyone was completely silent, he turned his head and looked at the screen again. “Captain Boris, can you hear me?”

“I can...”

The officer suddenly heard this voice and his body shuddered. He quickly looked up and displayed a pleading expression. “I’m infected, come and save me!”

“Captain, please stay calm.”

The bald researcher said solemnly, “I’m Professor Will. We’ve only met recently. Don’t worry, the foundation will not give up on any soldier, but now I have a few questions to ask you.”

Hearing the words, Boris nodded, his mangled face revealing a hint of joy. “Professor Will, ask away, I’ll tell you everything, everything!”

With that expression and the blood on his face, Boris looked a little creepy at this time.

“Very good, then I’ll ask.”

Professor Will looked stern. “I just checked the test record from when you entered the living area and found that the test report stated, ‘No signs of microbial infection found’. What is the reason? Did you use any means to conceal the infection or were you infected after entering the living area? ”

“No, neither!”

Hearing this, Boris stood up quickly and he said in alarm, “I didn’t conceal it. It did show that I wasn’t infected. I don’t know why this happened. Save me!”

Hearing that Boris was babbling incoherently, Professor Will continued. “Well, Captain Boris, please relax. We’re not blaming you. Then, the next question — are you sure that the infection is due to your arm wound?”


Boris was taken aback. He realized that after waking up, his entire body was in pain, so he ignored the wound on his arm from yesterday. Thinking of this, he hurriedly pulled away his sleeve to expose his arm!


They only saw that the wound on Boris’ arm was covered with red sarcomas, which were densely packed like cauliflower or a honeycomb. It turned their scalp numb and they could not look straight at it!

“It seems that we can determine that the infection was indeed from outside the living area...”

Seeing this, Professor Will murmured in a low voice. At this moment, the airlock of Boris’ dormitory hissed again and the two XTN robots rushed in directly, and pressed Boris to the ground with overwhelming speed and force!

“Ah, what are you doing, let me go!”

In the video, Boris roared, struggling constantly, and a lot of blood spilled over the entire dormitory room!

Still, after all, humans could not compete with XTN robots. Soon, one of the robots tied Boris’ hands behind him and then two more androids came in pushing a negative pressure isolation stretcher. The two robots immediately picked up Boris by his legs and shoulders and shut him completely in the isolation stretcher.

“Anna, isolate him and treat him with all we have! As for the room, directly destroy it after collecting samples!”

Professor Will seemed to be worried and exhorted loudly. He then looked down again at the report of yesterday’s encounter in his hand.

The source of infection for Boris, an excellent task force soldier, was that pile of tentacles yesterday.

When Team East Crow got the samples, he had originally wanted the samples shipped to reality for his own study. However, fortunately, this application was rejected by the higher-ups of the foundation. According to what they said, it was best not to bring these alien things back to reality until all their properties were figured out.

Originally, he thought this was just a big fuss and was even rather miffed. After all, this kind of research would be carried out in a level-4 biosafety laboratory and the probability of leakage was not more than one in 100,000.

However, after seeing Boris’ outcome now, he only felt a chill run down his spine, and his limbs had gone soft.

Such a terrible thing should go to hell and must not appear in the real world!

Fortunately, fortunately...

This thought flashed in his heart and then Professor Will said again, “Anna, inform Dr. Edward that he should prepare to turn on the VR control setting, then he should personally use the XTN robot to perform surgery on Captain Boris.”


Anna answered quickly.

After Boris’ rescue was arranged, Professor Will returned his gaze to the living areas again. “Anna, have you found any signs of infection in the four living areas of A, B, C, D?”


With this answer from the artificial intelligence Anna, the original surveillance feed of Boris was once again sized down and at the same time, rows of new surveillance footage popped up, showing the task force members of all continents who were sitting around restlessly in the dormitory.

As the entire living area was quarantined, the members of the East Crow task force were all quarantined in the dormitory. Boris was a captain, so he had the privilege of a single dormitory room. However, these squad members had no such thing and they had four people in a small, shared dormitory.

However, following Anna’s inspection, Will only saw a red box suddenly appearing on the screen. This box framed the neck of a member of the East Crow task force and then zoomed in continuously with the red box in the center!

Finally, a bright red dot on the neck of the soldier now appeared on the screen!

Immediately, the artificial intelligence swiftly fixed upon this scene and then flipped through the images of the red sarcomas on Boris’ body. The two pictures were automatically compared. “Warning, the similarity is 65% and the probability is determined to be 93%! The probability of transmission of this unknown infection is 93%!

“Summary: Living Area A where the East Crow task force is located has been completely contaminated!”

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