The Villainess With A Heroine Harem

Chapter 593 Tricked

She ignored the enraged screaming of the now bloody-mouthed gang leader, and turned her eyes to the hulking figures who now surrounded her wide-eyed.

Obviously, none of them expected that before they\'d even started teaching the White Deer Corporation\'s staff an unforgettable lesson, a little girl would jump into the fray and down their boss in one shot.

It wasn\'t really as terrifying as it was absurd, and a few of them couldn\'t help but look at their purple-faced boss in confusion.

The man was clearly in no mood to pay any of them any heed, however, and instead jumped at little Emi in fury. \'If I don\'t pluck out all of her fucking teeth one by one today, I\'ll fucking turn myself into a saint!\'

No one else knew how humiliated he felt to have had four of his front teeth broken by a sneak attack from a glorified toddler, and even if he tore her apart on the spot now, maybe this disgrace would forever leave an unwashable stain on his career.

Of course, just like everyone else, he also thought that the little girl must only have managed to land that hit because of the element of surprise combined with her luck.

The boss might have suffered for the moment, but the situation was still very much in their control.

After all, if the White Deer\'s side had any real trump cards, they wouldn\'t just be standing there filming this little girl get surrounded by their whole gang, right?

"None of you move. I\'ll destroy this little bitch myself!"

Unfortunately, while his declaration was bold and handsome, the slight slurring of his speech, the whistling sound from between his broken teeth, and the continuous stream of blood flowing down his chin completely ruined the \'dashing\' image of Blue Hydra\'s boss.

The more he missed, the worse his speech became, almost merging into an incoherent roar of rage soon after.

Some of the staff felt a little uncomfortable at the liberal use of such \'harsh\' language in front of someone like little Emi, who appeared so young, but it wasn\'t really that out of the norm in their industry, and everyone had to get exposed to it sooner or later. This was especially so considering the already violent and sensitive subject of their commercial.

Plus, given the fact that these were real thugs probably acting for the first time in their lives, if they didn\'t accidentally hurt little Emi, the result could already be considered good enough.

The crimson-haired girl humphed arrogantly as she dodged another enraged punch from the gang leader of Blue Hydra, and the man finally couldn\'t bear it anymore and motioned for his men to throw over his dual butterfly knives.

"Fuck it, since you refuse to repent, I\'ll just turn you into ribbons of meat!"

Unfortunately, the hand he had raised up high to grab the thrown-over knives remained empty as he was forced to kneel on the ground by a merciless kick to the back of his kneecap.

To make matters worse, his prized knife set was also snatched from mid air by the annoying little crimson-haired midget, who sneered in disgust.

"How weak can you not even dare to fight against someone less than half your age without weapons? Pathetic."

The boss was so furious that he almost burst a vein, but before he could, he was cleanly knocked into the dreamland by a \'gentle\' roundhouse kick to the temple.

As the kneeling man\'s already bloodied face smashed into the ground with a painful muffled thump, the people watching couldn\'t help but shudder.

The gangsters especially were completely dumbfounded, and they couldn\'t help but look at the little girl in front of them a little more warily.

Their boss might be more smart than strong, but not even the eight \'superweapons\' of Blue Hydra felt confident that they would be able to take the man down with such ease.

Even if she had the initial advantage of the element of surprise, there was no doubt that this little girl wasn\'t a threat to be taken lightly.

Of course, everyone other than the gangsters only thought that the man had a lot of natural acting talent, and made excellent use of advanced props to get such realistic effects.

But hitting the ground face first like that couldn\'t possibly be painless, no matter how good the props were, and some of the staff couldn\'t help but sympathize with him.

The things people did for money…

Meanwhile, watching the wary gangsters circling her, Emilia grinned, her pearly teeth and glinting eyes almost blinding the camera crew. "You call yourselves Blue Hydra, right?" She hummed. "Since it\'s only slightly similar to Blue Dawn in name, I guess beating your faces black and blue should serve as a fair warning."

Although they\'d already been alert, the rest of the gangsters could only be stunned when the girl zigzagged right past them like a crimson bolt of lightning.

No matter how they tried to catch or trip her on the way, she was able to avoid it all just as easily as she had dodged their boss before, and even the eight \'superweapons\' couldn\'t help but have a foreboding feeling.

They thought they were here to beat some clowns and reap some rewards like usual, but it looked like they might have stepped into some supernatural trap this time!

"Were you planning on using these toys to hurt others?" Emilia smiled as she stepped on the small pile of guns beneath her feet.

Obviously, it wasn\'t worth the risk to let them keep these weapons and have them shoot someone accidentally, though Emilia still allowed them to retain things like knives and bats.

Feeling a chill of terror run up their spines, some of the gangsters couldn\'t help but take a step back, though Emilia didn\'t allow them the opportunity to flee.

After all, if they started escaping and she had to chase and beat them up, no matter how it was framed later, it would still ruin the overall effect of the video!

She sneered. "Weak, weak, so weak! How can grown men like you be so weak?! I bet I can already beat any of you in terms of strength, even though I have so much room to grow in the future!"

The smugness and disdain in her tone hit the weak points of the usually arrogant gangsters just right, and their indignant fury momentarily clouded their judgment.

"Don\'t be so arrogant, girly! Just because you\'re a little fast and managed to catch us off guard at first, do you really think you\'re invincible?"

The man who spoke was one of the strongest, and also the meanest looking of the \'super weapons\' that their boss was so proud of.

His words, combined with the \'subtle\' shaking of Emilia\'s pupils instantly restored much of the gangster\'s lost confidence.

\'Look, it\'s just a desperate little girl trying to act like a hero, after all! She might be fast and swift, but in the end she\'s alone and vulnerable!\' They thought.

Of course, this was exactly the effect Emilia was looking for, and she immediately pointed at the weakest-looking of the eight \'tough guys\' who came forward to confront her first.

"Y-You, if you dare, I challenge you to a fair fight!"

The heavily muscled man who was ignored by the little girl snorted. \'So she really doesn\'t dare fight me… that\'s good. I was overestimating her strength just now, fortunately.\'

Well, it was good to use his \'colleague\' to test the waters a little more and exhaust the girl a little. After all, no matter how strong he was, the little girl\'s speed really was too troublesome for him to handle unless she was tired out first.

With their confidence somewhat restored, the rest of the gangsters also laughed after sensing her apparent fear, many inwardly heaving a sigh of relief upon realizing that her previous act was all just false bravado.

Clearly, she was avoiding the strongest of their \'super weapons\', but the fool didn\'t even realize that even the weakest of the eight was stronger than their \'leader\' in terms of raw strength.

The man who had been pointed out as the weakest obviously felt insulted at being underestimated by even a little girl, and sneered in fury as he stepped forward. "Let me go forward and teach this little kid a lesson then, brothers."

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