To Hell With Being a Hero!

Chapter 274. The Legend’s Arrangement (2)

Chapter 274. The Legend’s Arrangement (2)

Adventure, exploration, research, investigating, and scouting—these were all words with different meanings, but in a wider scope, they could all be lumped together in one category. There was one word that could encapsulate all those different words at once: expedition. The act of going far away to fight for a goal.

It was important to differentiate between ‘going on an exploration’ and ‘going on an expedition’. Compared to an expedition, an exploration happened frequently and on smaller scales. On the other hand, an expedition was usually done by a specific number of people above a certain tier and happened rarely. In accordance with this, Chi-Hyun had summoned only heroes at gold tier and above since the team wasn’t going on some small exploration in the vicinity of the city, but an expedition, which they had to pour a lot of time and effort into. In short, an expedition was something not anyone could do.

But there was one important point to focus on here. Currently, humanity succeeded in establishing itself in the holy city, Shalyh, and was acknowledged by the Cassiubia League. Humanity wasn’t a proper fourth faction on Liber yet, but with the way things were progressing, it appeared they would soon become a force that could exert considerable influence across the planet. While they were still working hard to reach this goal, though, the level of authority a faction wielded wasn’t infinite. Like money and merits, it could also run out. Thus, this expedition could be called a test of sorts for humanity. It was a test to see whether humanity could establish itself as a powerful faction and had the qualifications to wield greater authority than others.

After Chi-Hyun blatantly told the attendees of the recent meeting that he would give out special privileges according to their accomplishments, no one could afford to miss this opportunity. Yet Chi-Woo felt a bit wary about the whole thing. Though he had experience being part of an expedition, he was only a participant before. This time, he would have to do everything from one to ten as the leader of the team. And while wondering what to do, Chi-Woo got a message from someone.

[Apoline Yelodi Afrilith -> (Received): Hello. Is this Mr. Choi Chi-Woo?]

[Apoline Yelodi Afrilith -> (Received): Did you think about the offer I made you last time?]

[Apoline Yelodi Afrilith -> (Received): Hello? Are you there?]

Chi-Woo thought positively of Apoline’s suggestion to collaborate. Apoline was a magician, and the presence of a member of this class alone changed an expedition team’s strategy completely, and Chi-Woo knew that it was difficult to find a magician at her level. There was the deal with her family, but he had also personally witnessed her skills in the expedition against Zepar. He immediately arranged a meeting with her, during which he heard several new pieces of information.

“The Ho Lactea has no desire to participate in this expedition.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes. I don’t know the details, but it seems there’s something else she has been working on separately the whole time. Well, that just means she is certain of securing influence without playing on the stage that the legend set up for us.” In other words, Nangnang would not participate in this expedition, either. Chi-Woo was especially disappointed to hear this. If Nangnang joined them, they would’ve automatically gotten a hero to act as the head of the team, and Chi-Woo had been hoping for Nangnang to fulfill such an important role.

“Yeriel’s and Emmanuel’s stances are the same as before. Though they, and truthfully, I too, want to create our separate expedition teams...”

“You don’t want to play into the legend’s scheme to provoke competition between us?”

“There’s that too, but I am concerned about some of the members in our team. Though our situation is better than before, I worry that their tiers aren’t high enough.”

Though their tiers were nothing to scoff at, it sounded inadequate coming from Apoline’s mouth. “I still remember the legend saying that the Nahla couldn’t do a thing, and above all, it was Mr. Ismile, who stands at the top of his family. Even if he doesn’t have a denomination yet, it is startling to hear the news. If we just scrape together a team because of our greed, we will not only fail in our mission, but die too.”

It seemed Apoline and the other Celestial Lights had received quite the shock hearing about Ismile’s failure. The situation really did seem serious, considering their and his master’s responses.

“And you’re right too. That’s why we aim to put our strengths together. It’s only going to weaken us if we compete against each other when there’s so much competition already.”

“There is more competition besides us?”

“Huh? Didn’t you hear that the legend shared the growth system with the Cassiubia League?”

Chi-Woo realized then that this was similar to opening up a very dangerous treasure box. It was a rare and valuable opportunity to earn merits and promotion exemptions. There was no way the Cassiubia League wouldn’t also be drooling over this opportunity when they were using the same growth system as them.

“Anyways, that sounds good. Thank you for working with us. Then I guess we can say we’ve decided on four members: you, me, Yeriel, and that annoying—no, Emmanuel.” Apoline cleared her throat and continued, “And Mr. Ru Amuh will naturally join us… If it’s him, I’m sure no one will complain, and…” Apoline glanced at Chi-Woo and asked, “For the priest role, will that pretty lady be fulfilling that position?”

“So she’s pretty even in your eyes, Ms. Apoline?”

“…I acknowledge that she doesn’t look half-bad,” Apoline said coldly and turned away. “Anyways, if it’s those two, I approve. That leaves us to decide who would take the most important role of a guide or a head. I suppose recruiting a useful warrior or two won’t hurt either.”

“Is there anyone you’ve been considering?” Chi-Woo asked hopefully.

“It won’t be hard to find one…but honestly, after seeing that cat, everyone else pales in comparison,” Apoline said while tapping on the table. “So, I was planning to leave the decision to you.”


“Yeriel and Emmanuel agree. I already asked them, and they told me they would respect your decision.”

With this, Chi-Woo realized that Apoline, Yeriel, and Emmanuel had agreed to give Chi-Woo the position of leader. Perhaps it was the value of the Choi family’s name. Chi-Woo was grateful that they cleanly resolved a matter that could’ve been sensitive later on for him, but his shoulders felt heavy.

“I understand. I will try to find one.”

“I’m sure you’ll do well, but put special care into choosing a guide. The guide is the one who will lead us into death or survival.”

Chi-Woo’s conversation with Apoline ended there. He promised to contact her when all the members of the expedition team were decided and parted ways with her, yet he didn’t immediately go back home. He stayed in his seat, contemplating what he heard for a while. Like Apoline told him, he needed to very carefully choose the guide for the expedition, but he didn’t know where he would find the right one.

“Ah.” It was then a good idea popped into his head, and Chi-Woo shot to his feet with a loud stomp. Then he went around searching for one particular man, Eval Sevaru.

“Yo! Boss!”

“It’s been a while. How have you been?”

“You know, same as usual. But I heard that you’ve accomplished quite some feats in the meantime.”

After a short exchange of greetings, the two immediately dived into the main topic. Chi-Woo explained the situation to him.

“…That’s why I would like you to introduce a guide to us. I will compensate you well.”

Eval’s eyes brightened hearing that he would be generously compensated, and he rubbed his palms together.

“Okay! You’ve come to the right person. I’m an expert in that area. So, what level are we talking about?”

“Hm. I’m also not exactly certain of that. I suppose I can’t just say that I want the very best. Let me explain the situation to you in more detail.”

“That suits me just fine,” Eval responded. And although he seemed confident in the beginning, he looked more astounded the more he heard Chi-Woo out.

“W-What? Three Celestial Lights?” He stared at Chi-Woo dumbfoundedly. “Um…if that’s the sort of qualifications…”

“Do you think you can find one?”

Eval’s response changed. He seemed to hesitate and looked reluctant. “I could find some people…but how should I say this…? Well, I guess I can gather a couple heroes, and you can decide for yourself like last time…”

“That’s good. Why don’t we do that?” Chi-Woo immediately responded, and Eval flinched.

“What? Aren’t you trusting someone else too easily?”

“I was able to meet Mr. Nangnang thanks to you. And I benefited from you plenty of other times as well.”

“That’s because…it was different that time…”

“I believe you have a good eye, Mr. Eval Sevaru.”

Eval fell into silence. His expression seemed conflicted. He contemplated for a long time until he murmured, “Ah damn it. I’m weak to compliments like that.” Then he sighed heavily and said in a serious tone he had used only on occasions before, “Listen to me carefully from here on out, boss. To be honest with you, it’s a really good offer for me. I can just bring a couple of ‘okay’ heroes to you and take the compensation. It won’t affect me whether they are actually good for the team or not.”

Chi-Woo was a bit taken aback by how serious Eval suddenly became.

“But if I were you and heard what I just said, I wouldn\'t look for a hero here.”


“In this city.” Eval pointed down at the ground. It seemed he was talking about Shalyh.

“The cat isn’t the only guide you know. There’s the Cassiubia League member named Airi you worked with last time, and there are probably more you’ve already met.”

Chi-Woo didn’t even consider them. That was because…

“But isn’t the reason why you didn’t bring them up because you want someone even more skilled than them?”

He hit the bull’s eye.

“Then you can’t find what you want here. Never. I’m not kidding.” Eval drew an X with his arms and emphasized this point multiple times. Chi-Woo chewed on his bottom lip. In some way, the expedition had begun already and was starting on a difficult footing. Perhaps it was expected at this sort of level.

“Then what should I do…?”

“If I were you, I would look elsewhere.”

Chi-Woo’s eyes opened wide. “Where else?”

“Ah, you said you were going far away. Then I bet you would visit a couple of cities managed by the Cassiubia League or the areas surrounding your destination. The people in those places might understand your situation better.”

Chi-Woo let out a small exclamation.

“Whatever the case, it will probably be better than searching for a guide here. If you are lucky, you might find someone as good as or better than Mr. Nangnang.”

Yes. There was a method like that. According to Apoline, this event was garnering a lot of attention from the Cassiubia side. Thus, there must be those interested lingering around their destination.

“Thank you. I didn’t think of that.”

“No need to thank me. Anyways, I wish you good luck,” Eval said and turned away without any hesitation. Then when he heard Chi-Woo thank him again from behind, he swiped his nose with his fingers. He would be lying if he said he didn’t regret his decision a tiny bit, since he essentially blew an opportunity to gain a good amount of money.

‘But it really is strange.’ Although there was the option of introducing some semi-suitable candidates to Chi-Woo and collecting the rewards, Eval didn’t do that. It wasn’t because of his sense of morality, or his trust for Chi-Woo. For some reason, he had a strong instinct that he shouldn’t cross the line, especially with Chi-Woo out of all people.


Chi-Woo needed to find more than just companions. He also needed to gather supplies for the expedition. Though he was able to acquire food and medicine thanks to Evelyn’s help, he needed more than that. It was because of what Byeok told him.

“It won’t be a bad idea to use a weapon.”

A weapon all of a sudden? Using a weapon wasn’t much of a problem since after he learned the unification ability, he was able to use any kind of weapon like a part of his body almost right away. Furthermore, from the beginning, his blunt attack was at the same rank as his basic hand-to-hand combat even though he didn’t particularly train in that area.

Still, Chi-Woo wondered if there was really a need for that since he became used to using his body, but Byeok replied, “Of course there’s a need. When fighting an enemy of the same level of strength, the one with the weapon always wins. Using a weapon allows you to attack from a distance, and I know you must be aware of how important distance is when fighting by now.”

Chi-Woo thought that made sense.

“Think of this as part of your training. Try to use as many weapons as you can and find one that suits you the best… Put that burnt wooden club away,” Byeok said while seeing Chi-Woo swing his club around.

“And find a pair of gloves. Are you really going to lead an expedition team in that state?”

Listening to this conversation nearby, Evelyn said this was a good idea and dragged Chi-Woo outside. Chi-Woo worried about where they would get the money for a weapon, but she took out quite a heavy pouch from her belongings. It was the money she had saved up little by little by minimizing their living expenses with the earnings, food allowance, and more that Chi-Woo brought home.

Evelyn and Chi-Woo went hand in hand to the buhguhbu’s forgery, where Mangil greeted them. After explaining their situation in great detail, Mangil brought out some high-quality goods, saying that he would show special care to his previous benefactor. It started with a combat burgonet-style helmet that didn’t block his vision, but covered most of his neck.

“Raise your arm a bit…yes, and in that area…”

After receiving shoulder, elbow, and chest plates to protect his torso, his armor set was completed. He could only buy steel greaves for the lower part of the body, but Mangil gave him gloves and leather shoes as bonuses. After that, they bought a variety of weapons following Byeok’s advice. Eventually, they succeeded in spending all their campaign funds. Mangil smiled brightly during the exchange, but in reality, he also suffered great losses. Weapons were valuable items, but armors were especially expensive. There weren’t many who got a whole set of armor at once; usually, people bought parts one by one after saving enough for a full set.

‘The armor Mr. Dalgil had was actually really expensive,’ Chi-Woo thought while looking at his reflection in the mirror. He looked a bit awkward with all the equipment attached to him.

“You have to really succeed in the expedition this time,” Evelyn said and sighed seeing her droopy, thin pouch.

“But what about you, Ms. Evelyn…?”

“What are you even asking for? Prepping even one person properly is difficult in our current financial situation.”


“It’s fine. Since I am a healer, I’m sure the warriors will protect me well.”

“I should’ve used a bit less.”

“Don’t worry about that. It’s a hundred times better than not having something like gloves. And we can always earn more money later.” Evelyn licked her lips, lamenting why they didn’t have more funds. Though they prepared him adequately, something was still lacking.

“Hm…I wonder if we can do something more?” Evelyn asked.

“It’s fine. It’s skills above equipment in the end. A master calligrapher doesn’t differentiate between the brushes they have.”

“But what if a master calligrapher also has the best brush?”

“…I don’t know what to say.”

“Equipment is almost as important as skills. It’s the equipment that decides victory among two people of equal skills,” Evelyn said and wiggled a finger. “Oh yeah, is there anything else you earned from the last expedition? I thought you guys struck gold last time.”

“Now that you mention it… Ah, give me a moment.” Chi-Woo returned to his house and pulled out the reliquia he had carefully stored inside his room and prayed.

After spending a short while talking to La Bella, Chi-Woo came back looking stunned.

“Why the look? What did she say?”

“Um…” Mangil had told Chi-Woo that a god would take care of the rest if he offered reliquia to one, but after meeting La Bella, he realized that wasn’t the case.

“She wants me to gather materials.”

“What kind of materials?”

Chi-Woo hesitantly passed on La Bella’s words to her, “A Canine of a Crazy Moon, a Breath of a Dragon, and a Core of Solitude….”

“What?” Evelyn said in shock. “Canine of a Crazy Moon?”

“Do you know what that is?” Chi-Woo perked up and asked, but Evelyn’s response immediately doused his hope.

“Didn’t they say every single one of the Fenrirs was annihilated?”

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