I Become Karna With a Million Times Crit System In Mahabharata.

Chapter 180 178. Unhappy Karna

Chapter 180 178. Unhappy Karna

After all, mostp people here either possess godly power or have godhood themselves, so he doing this seems really impossible in their eyes, making them more curious about how he was doing it.

"Huh, Queen? Oh don\'t worry about me queen I am fin-"

"Oh you are here Karna, I ask you to stop wasting time and go to your house, Your father and Radha would be worried about you."

When Karna saw Gandhari was guilty, He thought just like how others reacted she would also react and so he decided to clear to her that he is alright she did not need to worry about him at all.

But before he could speak, as there is some tradition here, He was cut off midway in his speech by the words of Gandhari, Who unlike he expected not had an ounce of worry or concern on her face.


Karna does not understand their reaction of Gandhari, She just like others around him care about him, So why is she not acting like this one? She does not even entertain the fact that he might have gotten super hurt.

She didn\'t even ask about if he was injure or not, This is unlike of her, Since childhood she was 2nd women who was most worried about him after his mother Radha.

So this change Karna was not able to digest it well, He even tried to see if she was actually Gandhari or not but it turned out she was indeed Gandhari, Not someone in disguise of hers.

Which male it kroe complicated the situation, Was she still angry about the fact he did not go to meet her for 2 whole year\'s? Yeah anyone would be pissed off by it, so she too might hold a grudge of it, it is understandable.

"Queen, do you not care about me?"

Karna asked in choked up voice, Hey he was still a kid, no matter how mature he is trying to be or have memories of past life, his body and brain response is the same as a toddler.

So when he was being ignored by the person he came to know that care about him from the start of course he felt abandoned, And his previous issue of being abandoned twice just worsened the hurt.

He did not hold back and outright asked her about it. There are people he does not care what they think about him but she is definitely not one of those people, he greatly cares about her opinion of him.

"Why do you ask such a question? Of course I care about you Karna."

Gandhari was taken aback by the tone of his voice not understanding why the cheerful boy suddenly put on the verge of crying, She hurriedly answered him, wanting to assure him she did care about him.

While other twin sisters of Sandhya and Chhaya along with Ganga shared a confused gaze, They from the start saw Karna being mature, it was the first time they saw him acting like his age.

It was also a new scene for Eklavya and Ashwatthama but Ashwatthama kinda gets why Karna acting like this one as he too does this from time to time with his mother.

Unfortunately, Eklavya did not get the fortune to meet his mother or spend time with her, So he was not aware of such emotions, All he knew was that all was their own, Just to survive a day and strive to be better.

Surya on the other hand had a smile on his face, At least his son was not all that crazy powerful, He was also in touch with his humanity, He would not turn and join the ranks of those drunk in the power group.

"Lie, If you cared you would have asked me if I was alright, I was caught in the middle of forces I couldn\'t even comprehend the power of without knowing, And you did not ask me or check on me."

Karna, like the toddler he is, throws tantrums, This side of him only a few people around him get to experience, The immature Karna who only wants to be loved, A side only exclusive to the people he loves and trusts.

He really got hurt by the fact Gandhari not acknowledging the fact. He wants her to ask so he can tell her not to worry about him as he is fine, she can\'t skip this process, It\'s not allowed.

"Hahaha, Oh Karna, This is what bothering you? Sorry to make you think that then but I see you do enough crazy things and then come out unharmed to worry about, I know you will come back without harm like always."

Gandhari burst out laughing at this state of Karna, This is a friendly reminder to everyone that even though he acts smart and mature he is still a 7-year-old child, people often forget about his age because of his personality.

It\'s been awhile since she seen him act like this that even she herself forgot how childish Karna can actually be, She dotingly ruffled his golden hair like the rays of the sun in amusement and love.

Yeah golden colour hair, Everyone knows that for some reason his hair often changes colours, something that turns back to that void black that people can\'t look away from the bright yellow golden lustrous hair that people can\'t look directly at, There is also sometime twilight colours and others.

They checked why his colour changed but they did not find out about it. A possible reason came up was it is just a natural growth thing. After he became an adult it would fix the issue.

But this is just an assumption, Just like how one medic said that it was a sign there is some power in him that is trying to wake up, which they also tried to search for but could not find anything, leaving them without an answer.

"What are you talking about? I never did such dangerous things in front of you."

Karna pouted and asked back to Gandhari, He has no recollection that he did anything dangerous things in front of her other than that gem incident before, So he did not agree she had seen him do dangerous things.

He was confident about it but hearing him say that others standing aside raised their eyebrows, Because Karna did not deny he did not do dangerous things, He just denied he did it in front of Gandhari making them wonder how much chase did he caused here in secret behind their backs.

"Oh really? What about the gem incident-"

"I was nothing but an infant at that time, I heard that story, So it can\'t be used against me."

Gandhari wanted to retell the dangerous stunt she saw Karna doing but the moment she mentioned the gem incident, The mature side of him kicked in and as spoke logically pointing out he was an infant.

So he didn\'t know any better. If he ate the gem then it was not his fault, He saw shiny things and put it in his mouth like any other child who does not have any survival instincts.

"Indeed I can\'t hold that against you, You are nothing but a child, but I can hold against you that you not only claimed the highest mountain here and then jumped down from top of it just for fun."

Gandhari was prepared for this, She has 101 kids even if she had not had time to pay more attention to them before, She was still was their caregiver, She has experience handling that many kids on her own.

So she knew what was coming. After all, even if she does not show it much but she is still her sister if Shakuni, How can she not have those dominant intelligence genes in her.

She saw Karna climb not only the huge mountain but she saw him jump from there nearly giving her a heart attack from that sight. She wanted to rush to him and see if he was alright just to see the earth itself lowered its hardness and gently landed him in the ground.

She saw all that from her chambers, How? Blinding oneself in devotion has its own perk, She got highlighted sense that works senses. Before she used those to travel around but after she removed the blindfold, Her eyesight also received that boost.

Not only that because the power of her penance was stored in her eyes, They also become strong and sharp making her see virtually anything that can be seen till horizon.

Only limitation it has is that she can\'t use it for long period, So she only uses it from time to time to check on her kids and this little guy.


Karna was not prepared for this to come out, He was alone with his little group at that time, They were just arguing about something, And to calm the situation down he pulled that stunt knowing the Devi Purthvi (mother earth) would bear him without letting harm befall on him.

As he is the Star-Child their prince, Even if they know it they have that natural affection for him.

But it was just kept in all 6 including the do-wolf with them. He knows they will not leak it then how can Queen Gandhari know this? He was not sure at all.

"Oh, how do I know? Just like when you go and dive into river Ganga for a day without coming out at all even for breathing, What was all that about?"

Gandhari was not letting him go now, He did too many dangerous things now that she thinks about it. She has to talk about it or he will never stop doing it.

As she spoke everyone held pin drop silence and looked at stuned Karna for answers. Who himself was quite confused about who was leaking their stuff out there, Very worried Radha ma would find out about it.

(A/N : Like always thank you for reading and have a good day .)

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