Returning From The Magic World

Chapter 343 Meet

Arthur didn\'t think much of it, he calmly got out of the car and then followed Yukiko into the hotel.

Even all the receptionists and waiters in the hotel were Japanese. Among the women there were also quite a few spiritual beings.

Their service was quite good, they even helped press the button to open the elevator door.

When he arrived at the fifth floor, Arthur finally found a quiet place.

"By the way, do you know Suzune who works at Lockheed Martin?" Arthur asked Yukiko as they walked into a long hallway.

"Her?" Yukiko showed surprise when she heard about the woman. Then looked at Arthur strangely.

"How do you know her?" she asked.

"Just answer my question," Arthur replied.

Hearing that, Yukiko guessed there was something between them. She was silent for a while before finally answering, "That woman used to be good friends with my sister, when she was young, she used to defend her when she was bullied because of her mixed blood. Nowadays, she\'s more like my sister\'s agent to watch over America, like the God Eye Organization, but to be honest I don\'t really trust her. She\'s just an ambitious woman who doesn\'t know her own limits. And it\'s obvious that she\'s getting less and less respect for my sister. Yesterday they met, but when my sister wanted her to sell some kind of weapon to Japan, she kept making excuses that she couldn\'t."

"Does she know about your power?" Arthur asked again.

"Of course, no," Yukiko replied.

"It\'s a big secret, even most of my father\'s brothers don\'t know anything. If they knew, I\'m afraid our secret would have leaked out. However, what exactly is your business with her?" Yukiko ended her words with a question.

"I want to force her to submit to me and become my eyes in the God Eye Organization. Ahh, actually I also want to subjugate her mother because that woman is cooperating with her mother. Both of them also want to subjugate me," Arthur replied, which made Yukiko\'s mouth open.

At the same time, there was suddenly another voice there.

"That\'s an interesting idea, I hope you succeed!" The voice was soft and smooth, but it seemed to go straight to the heart, enough to make Yukiko stop her steps.

After that, she even saluted forward even though no one had appeared yet.

Only a moment later, the figure of a Japanese woman appeared there. She seemed to move through the wind, invisible and fast, then could appear wherever she wanted.

Arthur quickly showed an interested expression as she was the woman who communicated with him after he defeated Yukiko.

Who else but the First Princess, Ayumi.

Compared to seeing her through the camera, she was more beautiful when seen directly in front.

Her tall body has charming curves, not overdone, but not lacking either.

Her hair was not in a bun like when Arthur saw her through the camera, it was allowed to fall down and loose.

She wore long white pants, a tight black T-shirt, which was layered with an open gray coat.

Overall, her style was quite fashionable.

She was looking at Arthur, from his head to the soles of his feet.

"You are very strong," she said in a low voice, clearly she could feel the strength hidden inside Arthur\'s body.

The latter did not try to do any formalities such as saluting her. With a faint smile, he replied, "and you\'re stronger than I expected."

Arthur didn\'t just speak casually. Even with his current strength, he would not be able to defeat Ayumi easily. By his estimation, she was already starting to cross the boundaries of the Senior Knight First Stage, approaching the Second Stage. Perhaps it was only the poor condition of the earth that kept her from breaking through.

If she slashed a sword with her current strength, Arthur thought she could easily cut through the castle where the terrorists were holding people hostage yesterday.

In fact, he could even sense a very high talent from her. Her growth would be extremely terrifying if she somehow arrived in the Sky World.

"How about we take a walk, the morning air is quite comfortable?" She said.

"Are you sure?" Arthur couldn\'t help but ask because he had to go up to the top floor to meet her and now she was inviting him for a walk.

"It would be more convenient to talk while walking around, I\'m already bored in this place," Ayumi replied.

Although it was their first time meeting Arthur in person, the two already looked familiar as they talked.

This might be normal, but for Yukiko it could be considered unnatural because the woman was her sister, a princess who would inherit the imperial throne.

She very rarely acts familiar with someone because even those who have been with her for a long time will act like little people in front of her. People she just met are impossible at all.

This is the consequence of the life of a princess or prince who will inherit the throne. Everyone Yukiko knew in Europe was like that too.

However, with Arthur, Ayumi easily got along. This was probably because Arthur also showed confidence in front of her, as if he didn\'t think she was superior to him because of her status.

"Come on!" Ayumi then walked to a window not far from them. It overlooked the Eiffel Tower directly.

And she took out a mask and sunglasses from inside her coat pocket.

"I know you can fly, let\'s go to the park, I\'ll tell you everything," she told Arthur as the latter arrived in front of the window.

Perhaps, she already considered Arthur a worthy partner when she saw his strength so she didn\'t mind sharing information.

The issue of trust could probably be seen after they worked together.

The important thing for her now was to start cooperating first because she thought Arthur could still look for information elsewhere if she didn\'t tell him.

After that, she looked at Yukiko and continued, "you stay here, meet whoever wants to meet me."

Yukiko who initially wanted to follow them just pressed her lips together after hearing her order.

She then nodded, not daring to argue at all.

In front of Ayumi, Yukiko was almost similar to when she was Arthur\'s servant. Her obedience level was really high.

"Come on!" Ayumi looked at Arthur again.

The latter replied, "I have to hold envelop your body with my spiritual energy if I want to take you flying."

After all, they had just met. Courtesy was still required. Arthur could not simply send spiritual energy into her body as it could pose a threat to her.

Ayumi calmly nodded, allowing Arthur to do so.

Actually, she also had great confidence in her own power, so she wasn\'t that worried.


Arthur finally moved, disappearing instantly along with Ayumi.

They moved into the air at such a high speed, even Yukiko could barely see them, not to mention the others. Ordinary humans needless to say.

Of course, that speed didn\'t affect Arthur and Ayumi at all, they could still act as if they were just casually walking. Ayumi even watched the surroundings first before looking at Arthur.

"This is really the advantage of a Magus, if I can fly, I can travel more easily," she said.

"So you\'re the traveling type?" Arthur asked with a quiet laugh.

"Into a forest and into a sea to look for big monsters, a fighter like me must be diligent in fighting rather than becoming dull," Ayumi replied.

"Makes sense, do you know, someone told me that there\'s a dragon near the north pole, maybe we can go together later."

"Are you serious?" When it came to dragons, even Ayumi showed a fair amount of astonishment.

"How about we go there now?" She said.

Arthur was somewhat surprised by her words so he looked at her strangely.

"You\'re not too hot-blooded like your sister, are you, princess?" Arthur asked.

He thought of this woman as calm and thoughtful, but her words made it look like she was a person in a hurry.

"Hot-blooded and brave are two different things," Ayumi replied calmly, seemingly unconcerned with Arthur\'s thoughts.

"So you are a daredevil?"

"I\'m sure you don\'t doubt the bravery of the Japanese people, especially the samurai, which group in the world would dare to die without the belief that they would get Heaven as a reward?" the woman replied.

"I see!" Arthur laughed softly. "However, I think now is not the time to fight the dragon. Even with our combined strength, we may still not be able to win. I plan to go there after some of my pets grow strong enough."

Arthur was talking about the giant crocodile he found in the forest, and the two harpies and tiger at Amanda\'s mansion.

For now, they were actually already very strong.

Right after he said that, he and Ayumi finally landed on the ground, next to a building.

Ayumi put on her mask and sunglasses after that before stepping out of there, arriving at the crowded sidewalk.

"Europe is interesting," she said as she looked around.

"That\'s also what people here say about Japan," Arthur replied.

Even he himself thought that way before going to the Sky World. At that time, he was one of those people who liked things that came from Japan.

Who would have thought that now he was standing side by side with the country\'s first princess.

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