The Geared Immortal

Chapter 836 - Besieged But Not Worried (2)

Chapter 836


Loud explosions and many dead soldiers are littered on the battlefield. The unexpected retaliation from the flying ship made everything turn into a mess. The 20,000 thousand soldiers are easy targets for those on the ship deck while they are inside the strong protective barrier.

However, the barrier is slowly fading and cracks could already be seen on its surface.

The old general has already seen this and commanded the mages to continue attacking.

"General Lao, our warrior companies are being decimated by those mages. If we go on like this, we will receive many casualties!" one of the commanders said while seeing the deaths of his soldiers.

The mages could be spared as they are able to cast shields on themselves. But the warriors who rely on physical shields are helpless against those powerful bombardments.

"No!  We must persevere! We are about to win!" shouted Xentong Han as a sinister glow could be seen in his eyes.

General Faosei Lao has also shown concern in his eyes as he could see that many of his soldiers are dying. But upon hearing that the ship\'s barrier is about to collapse, he decided to just follow with the plan.

The commanders shook their heads in dismay and disappointment. They could not do anything and could not disobey the command of the generals. So they just commanded the soldiers to raise their shields up or dodge.

As the chaos on the battlefield intensified, the two groups are now feeling anxious. The mages on the deck of the flying ship have already spent their mana and feeling a bit exhausted. Meanwhile, those who wield guns continue firing nonstop as the death toll on their enemy increases.

"Miss Gumal! Our shield is almost down… We only have 20% left." A mage reported at Nariz Gumal who is busy shooting outside.

Upon hearing this she could not help but frown.

As the battle intensified, they are now at an advantage. However, if the ship\'s barrier shatters then they would really be defeated and might even die.

And this is a cause of concern for her and the people on the ship.

Should they surrender and wait for Shin Jiao to rescue them, or fight to the last man. She could not decide on this and was feeling a bit helpless.

"Everyone! Get below deck!" she commanded.

The ship\'s hull and the entire structure are actually very sturdy. Nariz Gumal and the rest knew of this because they could not make any dent on the ship even when it is hit by accidental discharges of the firearms.

It seems that the material used for the flying ship is not common.

And so everyone trusted that it might withstand the powerful blast from those beams.

But they did not stop attacking. The mages would take turns shooting from the sides of the ship where there are gun ports.


The barrier of the flying ship was destroyed and the army cheered upon seeing this. Their morale immediately increased as the mages now focus on defending against the enemy attacks.

"People inside the ship! I repeat! Surrender now and you might be spared. Resist and you shall die along with your… ship!" the old general shouted once again.

Beside him, Xentong Han has an evil smirk on his face. He could not wait for these people to fall into his hands. Though he likes his sister that much, yet that does not mean he has no desire for other women.

As a general, Xentong Han has been with many women. Though his heart only belongs to his sister, his body would not stop craving for others. And he has his sight on those beautiful women on the ship. He might not show it on the surface, but his heart is actually lusting over them.

He particularly likes the one who always negotiates with his sister, the woman named Hua Xiao. Her beauty is to his liking, and his blood would boil in excitement just by looking at her hot body.

Of course, he would always keep a dignified appearance in front of the woman and not show his inner thought to his sister.

So upon seeing that the flying ship is about to be in his hands, his excitement has risen to such height.

Then suddenly he remembers something strange. Then his eyes lit up in realization.

"It seems that the man is not on the ship right now…" he thought as he began to analyze the result of the battle.

That man is probably an Archmage, if that is true, then their casualties should be higher. And the mages should not have successfully destroyed the barrier. That is because the mages in the army are only high mages.

If an Archmage shoots them with his spell, then their barriers and shields would not be able to hold. Upon thinking up to this point, a slight worry could be seen in his expression.

Suddenly, a sweet and mysterious voice reverberated through the air.

"Everyone… stop! I am Lady Olivia Anis Merl, daughter of Viscount Lanis Merl."

When the soldiers heard these words, they were all stunned. The woman who they were supposed to rescue has actually appeared.

Then from the direction of the village, a sedan chair being carried by four people wearing masks approached the army.

"This… No this is impossible! How could you be the Viscount daughter! She is being held by the Bandits of the West! This is impossible! You must be an impostor!" shouted Xentong Han.

How could his plan fail right when he was about to get his prize? How could he let tricks stop him? He would just reveal these people\'s tricks and deal with them.

"The young General seems to not believe this lady… Then I can only show you this token then…" the woman said as the curtain covering the sedan chair parted and a dainty hand came out while holding a golden token.

The man beside the palanquin took the token and lifted it in the air for everyone to see.

When the soldiers saw the token they all lowered their weapons and lowered their heads.

"No this is impossible! This cannot be!" Xentong Han thought.

"How could that fool let her escape? No… this might be a trick. I must uncover this trick for everyone to see…"

Upon thinking about this part, Xentong Han made his steed walk near the sedan chair.

"If you are truly the daughter of the Viscount, you should be able to show yourself to us, right? I mean… you might have just stolen the token and pretend like you are the daughter of Viscount Merl. But you cannot fool this general!" Xentong Han said in a loud voice.

"How could you conveniently appear right now? And that is when these thieves are about to fall into the hands of the kingdom\'s army… That is not logical, don\'t you think so?"

With an expression of seeing through the ruse of his enemy, Xentong Han proudly lifted his head with a sneer.

This though actually convinced everyone around him. The soldiers even discussed with each other than what the young general said was the truth. There is a possibility that the woman inside that sedan chair hidden behind the curtain might be an impostor.

Then as if everyone came to conclusion, they all nodded their head and glare at the people holding the sedan chair.

This made those masked men began to break out in a cold sweat. With the large army showing killing intent towards them, how could they not feel fear?

With an expression of a winner, Xentong Han proudly gestured for his steed to approach the sedan chair. But before he could do so, a low voice from behind him echoed through the air.

"Stop your folly, or suffer the wrath of the Viscount." The old general intervened as his steed walk near the sedan chair.

The old general then unmounts from his horse and walks in front of the sedan chair.

"This old general greets young miss Olivia Anis Merl. This general is glad that you have come back unharmed…"

The gesture of the old general totally shocked everyone. They did not know why the general lowered himself, but it seems that he recognizes the woman inside the sedan chair.

"General Lao… You…" Xentong Han wanted to refute but before her could finish his words.

"I suggest you keep your words to yourself, young General Han. This is the daughter of the Viscount, miss Olivia Anis Merl. I can recognize her voice…"

With that everyone knew that the woman is actually the real thing.

Out of all the people in this place, only General Faosei Lao knew the truth. The real daughter of the Viscount is actually a deformed lady. And when traveling, she could travel beside a woman who would act as her on the surface and she would be the maid.

And this secret is only known in the Viscount family and those close to them like the old General.

Meanwhile, on the side, Shin Jiao who has changed his appearance and was holding the token showed a faint smile on his face.

"That went well…" he thought.

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